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Five years have passed since Peter Pevensie came into my life, and I had become quite a queen since he'd left it. Caspian and I adjusted well to ruling, taking counsel with each other and keeping the peace with our new subjects. Crops had been prosperous and the Telmaranians settled in just fine. Narnia had shifted back into a second Golden Age. My brother and I couldn't be happier.

Except for the obvious. Caspian and I never forgot them. Several suitors came to our door trying to take our hand, but I especially couldn't do it. Even with the clear possibility that Peter would never return, I waited.

It was miserable to not see him anymore. But, even through the five years of torment, suitors, and longing, I stayed loyal to him. I knew what Aslan told me, but I still felt like there was some chance he would come back.

My hopes grew higher when Caspian came back from his long trip to the Lone Islands. He first said that he had met a woman, Lilliandil. I was glad to hear that my brother could at least move on. He'd also said that Lucy and Edmund had returned, but also said they left once again and this time for the last time like Peter and Susan. I was devastated that I couldn't see them one last time so that I could have some feeling of him.

I spent most of my time writing. I had become quite fond of it as it diverted my sorrows. Apart from ruling and other things, it was a daily practice for me. Sometimes I'd write songs. One saying that one will always come back when called. Goodbye was unnecessary.

I would also write stories. Short ones and long ones. The most recent one was simply to get my thoughts out. The light was slowly dimming and I had finally had some peace and quiet. I sat at my desk and sighed, starting the first paragraph:

Camila. It means 'warrior'. My mom named me that. She would always tell me that I would grow to live up to that name. She believed I could be a great warrior. So, when she died, I tried my best to make her proud. I trained every day. Alone of course because the men would never allow a woman, let alone a princess, train with the boys. I immersed myself in countless books, attempting to learn as much as I could. Even then, I was only ever allowed a sword when I turned sixteen.

My older brother, on the other hand,

My pen stilled when I heard a commotion in the distance. It was a great deal of shouting and I couldn't tell if it was happy or distressed. I could hear several distant pounding footsteps and I could tell it was heading towards the courtyard at the tree. I quickly sprung from my chair and grabbed the sword in the corner of my room, the one I always had leaning within view. It was one with a smooth leather sheath. One with a long silver blade with old Narnian inscription along the center in gold lettering. One with a gold hilt carved into the head of a lion...

I sprinted as fast as I could in case our enemies had gotten in. I wasn't sure what was happening, but I still ran across the stone floors, sword in hand, red dress flowing behind me. I finally made it to the courtyard, out of breath as I stepped out into the sun. I squinted to adjust my eyes and blinked with the sword defensively held. I opened my eyes and searched frantically for the threat. My eyes moved to the tree and–

My breath and heart stopped all together. The entire world seemed to stop in an instant and my limbs shook, suddenly weak. Every bone in my body felt shattered and my arms buzzed with a sudden shock. The breeze in the wind disappeared, the birds stopped their songs, the sun seemed to forget to blind my eyes. My eyes. They burned and I didn't blink. It was a mere few seconds when I stood there frozen, but it felt like an entire lifetime. I should know. Five years was enough of my life to wait for this.

He stood there. He looked just a starstruck as I was, frozen just as I was. I didn't really move, until he did. He smiled, and I broke. Peter's sword clattered to the ground but the sound was muffled in my ears as my vision blurred in an instant.

"I believe you called."Peter's voice sounded through the distance between us, and that's when it hit me.

Suddenly, we ran to each other and I was in his arms. I was sobbing uncontrollably and I could tell he was crying too. I gripped him hard, pulling myself into his arms as much as I could. He held me tight then he pulled away and kissed me. I kissed him back and our lips intertwined. I felt like I hadn't ever kissed anyone before. He held me still and I felt myself melt into his grasp as we kissed even more. It was a dream. I was kissing Peter again after five years right where he kissed me for the last time, but this time, it was not the last. He was back. My Peter was back. Back with me. His arm wrapped around my waist and one hand cupped my cheek. My hands were around his neck and in his sandy blonde hair. Finally, after what didn't feel like enough time holding each other, we let go. I was still in tears as he held me gently.

"I didn't– I– I didn't know if you would come back." I stuttered.

"I did."he said,"I did everything to try to get back to you."

"I waited for you."

He took my shoulders and looked at me. "I did too."

I studied him. His blue eyes, his sandy hair, his perfect face. Everything was the same as when we parted, but more mature. It seemed we'd both grown equally. I could hardly believe it.

"I prayed so many times that Aslan would bring you back." I said.

"I'm here now. That's all that matters." he hugged me one more time and I closed my eyes.


My eyes burst open and I raised my head in a blink. They came running around the corner, hand in hand with their little wooden swords. Georgiana. William. Those were their names. Georgie. The girl. Her blonde hair and green eyes like she was a ray of sun. Will. the boy. His dark curly hair and blue eyes like the night sky. The perfect balance. Twins. Five years old.

Five years.

I looked up at Peter, but he was looking at them. I knew he knew. I watched for fear in his eyes, some kind of unsure gaze, but all I saw was his eyebrows raise and a sort of light come into his eyes. Finally, he looked at me and beamed. I nodded and that was all he needed. He suddenly hugged me tightly, almost tighter than when we reunited. And I laughed with relief.

Yes. they were ours. And he knew it.

"Georgie, William." I walked towards them and took their hands, kneeling down. "This," I looked back up at Peter, "is your father."

The two pairs of eyes lit up immediately and they ran toward him, each taking one leg and squeezing it in a hug. That was the moment I realized my life was as it was meant to be. Peter, the father of my children, my king. He was back with me and now my children had known him. He laughed and hugged them back as if he's known them the whole time. As if he'd known that night would change our lives forever. As if he'd known they'd been here while he was away. Perhaps he had known. Had a feeling. I wouldn't doubt it. But that didn't matter anymore because he was here. Forever. He would never leave me anymore until the day we would sail to the end and into Aslan's country. And even then, even there, we would be together. He would still be my Peter. I would still be his Queen, and he, my King. 

A/N: after months of procrastination and countless re-writes, here is the long awaited happy ending for Peter and Camila's story! I'm so happy to finally give this chapter to you. the only thing I have been struggling with is the names of the twins. I wanted to make it a tribute to the actors but I'm not sure that the names fit well. if you guys have any good suggestions let me know. I am also planning on adding some other chapters in the middle of the story just so there is more character development and interaction and what not. thank you guys so much for your support and I hope you've enjoyed 'My King'!

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