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When our professor taught us of the Narnians, he told us that they were peaceful, kind creatures that only ever wanted prosperity. He would say that we may have wronged them in causing their extinction and that there should have been a try for peace. I was always under the impression that they were as peaceful as he said.

He was wrong.

Shouts and yelps surrounded my ears as the hoard of Narnians circled me and my brother. I heard many things being hurled at us.

"Kill him!"




The shouts were overcome by Nikabrtk's voice. "All this horn proves is they've stolen yet another thing from us!"

"We didn't steal anything." I was shocked at how well my brother stayed calm.

"Didn't steal anything?" a deep male's voice came out of the crowd. The minotaur turned to his friends. "Shall we list the things the Telmarines have taken?"

"Our homes!"

"Our land!"

"Our freedom!"

"Our lives!"

"You stole Narnia!"

I glared up at all of them. They were barbaric. They may have slaughtered us both and ripped us into pieces if it weren't for Trufflehunter.

"You would hold us accountable for the crimes of our people?" I called them out.

"Accountable..." Nikabrik came up to us. "And punishable."

"Ha!" Reepicheep stood up, holding his little sword. "That is rich coming from you, dwarf. Or have you forgotten it was your people who fought alongside the White Witch?"

"And I'll gladly do it again if it would rid us of these barbarians." he shooed Reepicheep aside.

"You're one to talk!" I snapped at him.

"Well then it's lucky that it is not in your power to bring her back." Trufflehunter said to Nikabrik. The circle went silent. "Or are you suggesting that we ask these children to go against Aslan now?" The forest was again stirred up with roars and hollers from the Narnians. "Some of you may have forgotten, but we badgers know well that Narnia was never right except when a Son of Adam and Daughter of Eve are crowned."

"They are Telmarines!" Nikabrik refused. "Why would we want him as our king? Her as our queen?"

"Because I can help you." Caspian spoke up, keeping a calm sound in his voice. "Beyond these woods, I am a prince and she, a princess. The Telmarine throne is rightfully mine! Help me claim it, and I can bring peace between us." I admired my brother's courageousness. He was the true warrior. He always fought for what he believed. For a moment, I believed him.

"It is true." The large centaur from before walked up to us, looking at the crowd. "The time is ripe. I watch the skies, for it is mine to watch as it is yours to remember, badger. Tarva the Lord of Victory and Alambil the Lady of Peace, have come together in the high heavens."he then looked to us. "Now here, a Son of Adam has come forth to offer us back our freedom." my brother looked around as all eyes now fell on him. I almost smiled to see him held so high up. I am proud of him now. He could bring peace.

"Is this possible?" a high-pitched, quick voice came from the trees. I looked to see a small squirrel coming over. "Do you really think there could be peace? Do you? I mean, I mean really?"

"Two days ago," Caspian spoke again. "I didn't believe in the existence of talking animals or dwarves or centaurs. Yet here you are. In strength and numbers that we Telmarines could have never have imagined." he held up the Queen's horn. "Whether this horn is magical or not, it brought us together. And together, we have a chance to take back what is ours."

"If you will lead us," the centaur took a step. "Then my sons and I..." he drew his sword, holding it vertically in front of his face. "Offer you our swords." The sound of metal on metal and blades being drawn circled around us as the lot of them offered their weapons to my brother. I looked at my brother, a smile on my face. He smiled back and held my shoulders.

"And we offer you our lives." said Reepicheep. "Unreservedly."

Trufflehunter turned to Caspian. "Miraz's army will not be far behind us, Sire."

"If we are to be ready for them, we need to hurry and find soldiers and weapons." he looked at the centaur with warning eyes. "I'm sure they will be here soon." 

My King // Peter PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now