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The cold wind took my breath away as we flew through the sky. The air was misty and my braided hair began to dampen. I looked over to my right and saw Peter looking back at me. He nodded and I returned a nod as well.

As we approached the landing point, we saw two men in the way. Susan aimed her bow at the first and shot him straight in the back. With one quick movement, Peter dismounted his Griffin and slashed through the other's armor. Caspian, Susan, and I followed just behind him.

We made our way to the Professor's tower and Peter lowered a rope, securing it tightly to the wall. Caspian went down first, then Susan next, then Peter. I could barely hear Caspian call for our professor before opening the window with his dagger. I started climbing down the rope. It was not much of a hight but the mist on the rope had caused it to become slippery. I lost grip and fell. Luckily Peter was just at the bottom and he caught me by my waist.

I looked into his eyes as he held me still. "thanks."I said, making my way inside. When I saw Caspian, he was standing still at the center desk, holding the Professor's glasses.

"No." I said, realizing that he had been caught.

"I have to find him." He said.

"You don't have time, you need to get the gate open." Peter insisted.

"You wouldn't even be here without him."Caspian paused, looking at me. "And neither would we."

I stepped toward my brother."Cas, I know he means a lot to you, but we can't waste any more time."

Susan walked up to me. "We can deal with Miraz." she said, referring to her, Peter, and I.

"And I can still get to the gate in time." Caspian assured Peter.

Before my brother went off, I grabbed his arm. "Cas, be careful."

He nodded and headed to find the Professor. "Let's go." I led the tree of us through the corridors, as I knew the way.

There were not many guards in our path and we did not have to fight or hide. "This way." I whispered. But as I turned the corner, a soldier came around. I ducked down and scurried backwards into a closet. I saw Susan crouched behind some crates, but I did not see Peter. I descended further into the dark as the soldier came closer to my hiding spot.

I seeped even further back until, suddenly, I ran into something warm. An arm wrapped around my chest and held my shoulders, holding me firmly in place. I took a sharp breath in, but a hand covered my mouth. "It's me." Peter's voice breathed in my ear. As the guard came closer, Peter's grip tightened and he pulled me closer to his body. The guard cocked his head and peeked into the closet, and I pressed my body into Peter's. I couldn't be any closer to him. Finally, the guard left and walked through to another corridor.

Peter released me and moved his hand from my mouth. I sighed with relief and removed my body from his. We stood up together and I looked at Susan. She nodded at me, then gave a quick smirk to her brother. I shook it off then headed to Miraz's chambers, which were just around the corner.

I approached the door, sword drawn. I reached for the handle, but was stopped by the sound of voices.

"Put the sword down, Caspian." I heard my aunt's voice. I looked at Peter with a realization in my eyes. He looked back at me with a hardened expression. "You don't want to do this."

Peter moved me out of the way and burst the door down. "We don't want you to either."Susan said, drawing her bow. My eyes widened at Caspian's sword being held at my uncle's throat, my aunt aiming at him with a crossbow.

My uncle shook his head. "This used to be a private room." cheeky.

"What are you doing?" Peter scolded. "You're supposed to be at the gatehouse!"

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