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"It may not be what you are used to, but it is defensible." Caspian said as we led the Kings and Queens through 'Aslan's How', our fortress.

"Peter." Susan said, waiting in the corridor. "You'd better come see this."

Caspian and I followed as the four of them observed the engravings.

"It's us." Susan observed.

"What is this place?" Lucy turned to me.

"You don't know?" Caspian looked at me and took a torch. I took another one and moved to the front of the group with my brother. We entered the room from before and Caspian and I moved to each corner. We put down our torches onto the oil-filled boxes and the room was filled with light. The four kings and queens watched as the flames traveled to the center of the back wall, meeting in the middle. The flames uncovered the large engraving of Aslan, his cracked stone table in the center of the room.

Lucy slowly walked up to the table. She laid her hand on the crack and turned to look at her sister, who had moved closer as well. "He must know what he's doing." she said.

There was a pause as the four of them gazed up at Aslan's engraving. "I think it's up to us now." said Peter. I looked at him to see his eyes already on me. He looked away and back on Aslan. I kept my eyes on him. I got the feeling that there was more to him than just a King. I just couldn't figure it out.


Later that morning, I had traveled outside near the woods. I told Caspian that I was going to train more, but I also needed time alone to think. Every maneuver with my sword was a new thought.

Over the past few days, more had happened than in my entire life back at the castle. The Professor was right when he said that everything I knew was about to change.


I was still worried for my brother. He means well, and I know that he was a good warrior and fighter, but I was not sure that he was ready to lead an entire army. While he was alway given every opportunity to be great, he still had never led anything in his life.


And he is proud. He thinks he needs to do everything his way and on his own, but that is what will get him in trouble.


I don't want to kill my uncle. I know how much he has done wrong and he tried to kill my brother and I, but it did not seem like something that an honorable person would do.


I hated my uncle. I hated him so much. He will do anything to get to us.


When will he strike next? He has an entire army and we have close to nothing.


















My sword clashed with another. I was snapped out of my thoughts as my harsh eyes met Peter's. I twisted my sword away from his and I lowered mine.

"You're a skilled fighter." He said, sheathing his sword.

I did the same. "You flatter me. I was never given the opportunity to fight with the soldiers in my kingdom, so I took it upon myself to learn."

"You'll find the rules in Narnia are much different to yours."

"I don't know, I feel like you would need to learn more than I would."

"Sorry?"he asked. I looked at his confused face.

I sighed. "You've been gone for hundreds of years. I'm not sure you realize how much has changed in your absence." I turned back to pick up my dagger from the ground.

"We didn't mean to leave. And besides, you wouldn't even be here if we had stayed."

I turned back to him, starting to get annoyed. "You seem to think that I love my family, my kingdom, but you're entirely wrong. I wish they had never invaded Narnia. I would have been much more happy knowing that we didn't have the chance to."

"Are you blaming this all on me?" he walked closer to me, his gaze becoming harder.

"I suppose I am." I said harshly.

"You were the ones who invaded Narnia." he glared down at me.

"And you abandoned it." I stared equally as intensely as him.

"Hundreds of years have passed since we left. I would have been dead by the time your people decided to come knocking. This has nothing to do with me. You're lucky I came to help you!"

He was inches away. We kept intense eye contact for what seemed like forever. I vaguely remember Peter's gaze slightly softening as he shifted between both my eyes.

I broke the silence with a scoff, seeing an open opportunity to lighten up. "Well, I suppose if you are as old as you say, you must have lost your skill for combat." I moved away from him.

I saw his face lighten up a bit, letting in a smile as he glanced down. "Is that a challenge, Princess?"

I smirked, drawing my sword. "I suppose it is, My King." I said sarcastically, giving him an exaggerated bow.

He drew his sword and we began circling each other. I cocked my head at him and he smirked. Before he could make a move first, I lunged at him, my sword clashing with his. I hit his again and he hit back. As he was about to swing again, I spun out of the way, causing him to stumble forward. He turned back to me and we clashed swords again. He continually forced me back with his sword, the sound of metal on metal filling my ears. I grabbed his hand and twisted it back behind his back.

"Had enough yet, sire? I asked sarcastically. He grabbed my arm and flipped me forward. I was caught off guard but I landed on my feet. Our swords met and we dueled even more.

"You know," he started, almost seeming bored. "I don't think I ever learned your name." He twisted my sword out of my hands.

I took advantage of his arrogance in thinking he'd won and grabbed his arm. I kicked his sword out of his hand, spun him around. Then I unsheathed my dagger and shoved him to the ground, my dagger to his neck as I hovered over his body.

My victory was short lived as I was distracted by the sudden closeness. I had begun to notice Peter's features. His hair was a sort of musty, dirty blonde with little highlights of gold where the sun most often touched. His face was defined and square, with a sharp jawline and pointed nose. His light blue eyes reflected the cloudless sky, and they were shifting between my own.






I quickly shook it off and lifted myself up from him. "Camila." I held out a hand to him and he gave me a small smile. He took it and I helped him up. Perhaps I expected him to walk away just then, but he stayed in front of me for possibly longer than he should have. He looked down at me and I up at him. My stomach fluttered and I held my breath. I couldn't really tell in the moment, but it seemed as if he had leaned in a bit.

The moment would have gone on longer had my eye not caught something in the corner of my eye. I snapped my head to my right to see the figure of a horse and rider through the fog. The Telmarine jerked his horse and cantered away. 

My King // Peter PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now