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The sun was hot on the white stone as Peter and Edmund emerged from the 'How'. the crowd cheered around me as our King marched toward Miraz, armor shining bright in the afternoon sun. I watched from the front of the crowd as he approached the stone arena. I could not hear what they were saying, but Peter and Miraz circled each other.

Finally, Peter lowered his helmet to cover his face, and the duel began. Peter made the first move by leaping up from a fallen boulder and slamming down on Miraz. Miraz blocked Peter's sword but Peter still landed on his feet. Peter tried to hit him, but was blocked by his shield then pummeled with it.

I clenched my jaw as Peter stumbled back up and attacked Miraz again. They continually hit each other's shields and spun around each other. Miraz attempted to stab him, but he swerved and sliced his sword at Miraz's back plate. When Miraz attempted the same thing again, Peter spun around and sliced at his side. The crowd around me cheered and I began to bite my lip. The victory was short lived as Miraz swung at Peter. Peter ducked but was hit violently with Miraz's shield, knocking his helmet off. I could hear Peter's groan as he tried to recover from the hit. Miraz took the opportunity and sliced at Peter's neck, but he narrowly missed the blade. Peter reoriented himself and sliced through Miraz's thigh. My uncle doubled over in pain and he glanced at his main guard. Peter charged at him but was tripped with Miraz's sword. He quickly jumped up and clashed swords only to be kicked to the ground. I saw my uncle stomp violently on Peter's shield, bending his arm out of place. I gasped sharply and clenched my hands at Peter's cry. Peter fought through the pain and hit Miraz's shield pushing him off his shield. He rolled further away then rolled quickly back, causing Miraz to fall loudly to the ground. When Peter got up again, I could tell something was wrong. His arm that held his sword hung. I looked over to my left to see Caspian and Susan ride in. thank Aslan they are safe. The duel paused and Miraz and Peter spoke. Finally I saw them head back to their own sides.

Caspian rode up to Peter and I abandoned my post. I sprinted towards them and I saw Peter wince in pain. Caspian saw me running up to him and he ran to meet me. I reached out my arms and hugged him. "Are you ok?" I asked him.

"Yes, I'm fine." He said. He looked back at Peter who was being tended to by Edmund. My eyes stayed on Peter. He cried out in pain as Edmund snapped his dislocated shoulder back into place. I looked back at Caspian who nodded. "Go."

I ran the rest of the length there as Peter turned, smiling and holding his sword up to the cheering troops. Then he saw me. His eyes widened and I approached him. "Camila, what are you doing here? It's not safe." he urged me.

I held his shoulder gently. "I came to see you. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, but, Camila, I don't know if I will make it through the next round. He's too strong."

"No, Peter, you will make it. You have to make it."

I looked into his eyes and he into mine. His voice lowered. "Look, I don't know for sure. What I do know is there is more chance of losing and..." he paused. "I can't go without telling you that I..."

My mind was urgent and I did not understand. Miraz was watching. The time must be up. I looked back to Peter and before I could react, his lips crashed into mine. I vaguely remember hearing the troops cheer in the background, but my mind was elsewhere. I closed my eyes and let him embrace me. His arm wrapped around my waist and he held me closer to him. My arms folded at his chest, the embroidery soft against my skin. Seconds felt like hours as our lips folded gently around each other's. He let go and we made eye contact once again. I smiled at him and he smiled back. "Destroy that bastard." I whispered to him and he nodded. He let go of my waist and entered the arena, the troops cheering once again. I moved to stand next to my brother. He gave me a quick smirk and scoffed a bit. "Shut up." I said, unable to stop smiling. That is, until the duel resumed.

"First you try to take my kingdom," Miraz growled. "Now you take my niece."

"She was never yours to take from." Peter charged for Miraz and clashed swords with him, only to realize how much stronger Miraz returned as. He first slashed at Peter, then counter attached with his shield. Peter was forced back and Miraz pushed more. My uncle hit Peter in the head with his shield and Peter shouted in pain. He came back with a strong blow with his sword, pushing Miraz back to the center. My uncle spun around, forcing Peter into a bolder. He toppled to the ground, fighting Miraz even still. When he got close enough, Peter tripped him and he fell to the ground. They both got up, and Miraz charged again. Instead of blocking, Peter pushed Miraz and kicked his sword out of his hand. I did that. A small bit of pride welled up in me and Peter swung at my uncle. He pounded over and over again onto Miraz's shield he backed up. Peter tried to stab him in the side, but Miraz grabbed the sword with his arm and threw it to the side. He continued to hit Peter in the head with his shield and I began to bite my lip again. Before Miraz hit him again, Peter grabbed the circular shield and twisted it. He then turned, locking Miraz's arms behind his back with it. My uncle then elbowed him in the nose, causing him to drop the shield. Miraz grabbed him by the collar and practically threw him against a sharp rock. I gasped and it felt as if a rock had blocked my throat. Miraz grabbed his sword from the ground and attacked Peter. He blocked the blade with his bracers and punched him in the face. When Miraz was still in shock, Peter punched his bandaged leg wound. The crowd cheered as my uncle cried in pain.

"Respite!" he pleaded. "Respite."

Peter was ready to punch again, but stopped at the king's request. "Now's not the time for chivalry, Peter!" Edmund shouted.

Peter hesitated, then lowered his fist. He looked at me as he headed back to us. I was almost relieved before I saw Miraz move in the background. I saw him grab his sword and charge at Peter. "Peter!" I screamed. He whirled around and just barely dodged the blade. He then grabbed the sword by the blade and twisted it out of Miraz's hands. In the blink of an eye, Peter stabbed Miraz straight in the side, right where Miraz stabbed me. He pulled the sword out and Miraz kneeled on the ground. Peter held the sword up, but did not strike. The air was silent as the whole world waited.

"What's the matter, boy?" Miraz glared. "Too cowardly to take a life?"

Peter gritted his teeth. "It's not mine to take." He then turned to Caspian and held the sword out to him.

I looked at my brother, who was stone-faced. He headed out and took the sword, switching places with Peter. Peter stepped next to me, taking my hand in his. I held it tightly as I watched my brother lift the sword.

"Perhaps I was wrong." Miraz whispered. "Maybe you have the makings of a Telmarine King after all."

He lowered his head and Caspian screamed, bringing down the sword. I squeezed Peter's hand, expecting the Telmarine King's blood to spill on the hot stone. But when I looked, the sword was driven into the grass.

Miraz looked up in shock. "Not one like you." my brother said. He stood up straight. "Keep your life, but I am giving the Narnians back their kingdom."

My brother turned back and the troops cheered for him as he made his way back. I gave him a smile as he passed me. "I'm proud of you." I said to him. He smiled back and nodded to Peter, who still held my hand.

Suddenly, I heard Miraz groan. I turned quickly back to him, only to see him topple to the ground, a bright red arrow sunken into his back.

My King // Peter PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now