eighteen - curiosity kills the cat

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Curiosity Kills The Cat

Willow Malfoy couldn't remember the last time she had felt this mournful

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Willow Malfoy couldn't remember the last time she had felt this mournful. A few lonely days came to mind as she sat on the corner of her bed, not moving from where Maeve left her. None of her desolate days felt quite like this.

Her last conversation with Cedric left a disgusting taste in her mouth as she thought of his words, as well as the way she stared at Cho whenever she walked past.

Buckets of envy slipped into her veins when she saw the long black-haired girl, feeling the urge to throw her wand up and say something she'd regret.

She knew that was her father whispering in her ear, begging her to mess up and be scolded for the ways he raised her. As the trembling whispers died down, she would remind herself it wasn't Cho's fault.

As well as her two best friends, her only real friends, didn't want anything to do with her. She deserved it and she knew it, she had been lying all along.

She wanted to think she didn't owe them anything when it came to her life but she did. This was the only thing she'd ever kept from them and her brain couldn't find the words to tell her why she did it now.

Embarrassment and humiliation would follow as she told them her feelings for him, but support and happiness would soon follow.

Tears began to spill out as she leaned forward, resting her face in the palms of her shaking hands. Different choking sounds came from her as she howled against her hands, wishing she had done anything differently.

She wished she had thought it through more, she wished she was more emotionally intelligent, she wished for it all to just go away.

Most importantly, she ached for her mother. She imagined her long arms wrapping around her cold body, pulling Willow in to rest on her chest.

She'd tell her that it eventually would be alright, even if it took time, and she did the best she could for what she had. Her mother would reassure her and give her advice on how to go forward, but she wasn't there.

Willow had learned to be strong on her own, to be brave on her own, but every once in a while she needed her mother. Every kid did.

Although she was only a letter away and she was sure her mother would be on her way as soon as the letter hit her hands, she couldn't bring herself to write it.

She didn't want her mother to know of what she did and how unthoughtful she'd been, as well as how love-sickened she was. How her mother would react to Cedric Diggory being the love interest in her story was unknown still.

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