one - before the beginning

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Before The Beginning

The Quidditch World Cup was a large ordeal to Willow's younger brother, no matter how hard he argued that it wasn't, he had been more than excited while begging her to go with him

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The Quidditch World Cup was a large ordeal to Willow's younger brother, no matter how hard he argued that it wasn't, he had been more than excited while begging her to go with him. At first, she thought it was ridiculous, not caring for the sport at all, but decided to attend because of her brother's radiant smile that came along with it.

He didn't express emotion often, mostly because their parents frowned upon it, wanting them to be identical to them. Cold and heartless. Their father tagged along for the pure joy of judging others and people-watching, Willow decided to ignore him most of the trip there.

She didn't hate her father, she just hated the way she treated her brother. He wanted him to be some strong and unemotional clump of clay, waiting to be molded into whatever image their father decided he should be that month.

Their mother held more compassion and affection, helping Willow with her hair and feelings, and even giving her younger brother hugs when their father wasn't around. She knew her parents loved one another, but she always thought her mother deserved better.

The three of them found a place to stand, somewhere comfortable and with a great view, as usual, as the game started. She was astonished as the players flew out, clapping loudly as they played and played. Willow glanced at her father with a tight poker face on, not appearing amused at all.

Willow spotted a few peers in the crowd, no one seemed worth greeting and pretending to make small talk, for she would see them at school fairly soon. The only thing keeping her from rolling her eyes was the excitement on her brother's face.

An unfamiliar feeling came to her as glanced at him, seeing him happy and cheerful made her heart warm. Nothing could take these little moments from him, not even her cruel father who complained of coming in the first place.

Her blonde younger brother kept that high as the game ended and people began to head back to their tents. Wizards of different ages and sizes all packed the outside of the area, clinking glasses and echoing their voices at their full volume.

The sight was new to them, they were stuck in their manor all summer, not spending much time with their friends, and barely speaking at dinner, for their father didn't tend to lead much conversation.

Willow couldn't help but smile at the sight of the happy people and feel the grass beneath her feet. The two followed her father around as he shook a hand or two of powerful people, wanting to keep his image clean.

The perfect image of pleasure and joy fell to an end as screams began within ears each, witches started to run around, grabbing their belongings and loved ones, and random spells started to fly above their heads.

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