nine - the champions

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The Champions

Cedric felt the presence of Willow disappearing more and more as the next day went past, feeling longer than ever before

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Cedric felt the presence of Willow disappearing more and more as the next day went past, feeling longer than ever before.

How he caught himself in this love trap was unknown to him. Much like Willow, he dug himself into holes with his schoolwork.

He spent much of his time with friends and others, but the feelings of wanting her started to take up much more time.

Often now, he sat alone in the Hufflepuff common room, staring into the fire as it continually cracked and illuminated the room.

How he found himself feeling different about the Slytherin girl seemed to have him in a chokehold. He wondered what changed so fast and what invisible string led her into his tent.

Memories of seeing her in the hallways and classrooms flashed behind his closed eyes, thinking of how he never cared for her beautiful face before.

He always found her captivating, for most boys did, but he failed to realize how interesting she seemed.

She was a Slytherin, which made her witty and stubborn, but she was also kind and forgiving.

He always admired watching her interaction with her younger brother, noting how calm and peaceful she seemed around him. Much different than how he acted. 

His parents always imagined him with an overbearingly kind and smart Hufflepuff girl, for they were both in the same house. He didn't think they'd be disappointed by his choice of women.

As early and interesting as it was, he imagined Willow hugging his mother and greeting her with a warm smile.

His mother would tell her how beautiful she was as Willow shyly smiled away the compliment, soon being followed by his father bringing in bread for them.

His father would make them laugh and make Willow feel more comfortable, asking her questions about her own family and pretending like he had some sort of idea about her life.

Cedric wasn't even sure he'd be able to convince her to like him back, but the daydreams sure were fun to think about.

"Diggory," a voice interrupted his usual scenarios in his head. "They're about to announce the champion at dinner."

The voice matched a fifth-year Hufflepuff boy, one who had been trying out for quidditch every year he could.

Cedric thanked the kind boy with a fist bump, walking him to the Great Hall and then to the Hufflepuff table.

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