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Pudding & Piercings

Huang Renjun wasn't exactly thrilled about melting under the mid-July sun just to watch his best buddy sweat it out on a muddy field. Everything from the heat to his buddy's sweaty theatrics topped Renjun's list of pet peeves.

"Injunnie!" Donghyuck's booming voice echoed through the air, drawing stares from nearby players and students. Renjun buried his face deeper into his phone, mentally thinking of ways to throttle his friend without risking expulsion.

"Did you see how freaking cool I was out there?" Donghyuck boasted, striking a victory pose like he just clinched the FIFA Cup.

"Ever considered humility? I heard it suits you," Renjun quipped, mindlessly scrolling reels, ignoring Donghyuck's pout.

Grabbing a clean towel and a blue Gatorade from his bag, Donghyuck gulped down the cold drink, the sunlight casting a flattering glow on his skin. Renjun grudgingly admit his friend looked stunning under the light and kinda cool when he played. But he'd sooner take these thoughts to the grave than stroke Donghyuck's colossal ego.

As they head for the cafeteria, Renjun patiently waited for Donghyuck to finish his post-game ritual. Today's special was kimchi stew and Renjun knew Donghyuck's psyched for it.

"Hey, Renjun," Donghyuck called out.

"What?" Renjun replied, arching an eyebrow when Donghyuck remained silent. God, it's like talking to his mom. "What do you want-"

Donghyuck bended and shook his head wildly, sending sweat flying in Renjun's face like a wet dog before bolting off, duffel bag in tow.

"Fuck, that's disgusting, Lee Donghyuck!"

Safely put, Renjun did contemplate strangling Donghyuck en route, teachers be damned.


"I'm in heaven," Donghyuck moaned blissfully, spooning more spicy kimchi stew into his mouth.

After freshening up and changing, Donghyuck and Renjun enjoy warm bowls of stew in the bustling cafeteria. It's a spacious hall, abuzz with conversations and clattering utensils. The only empty seat is smack dab in the middle, perfect for Donghyuck to immerse himself in gossip while Renjun cursed the loudmouths nearby, their laughter piercing through the music playing in his headphones.

"I can't take this anymore." Renjun declared, yanking off his earphones and standing up abruptly just when Donghyuck raised his head, chewing.

"Where are you off to?" Donghyuck asked, words muffled as his cheeks puffed up like a chipmunk.

"To grab some water. Want anything?" Renjun mused

Donghyuck scanned his tray before replying, "I want pudding."

Renjun nodded and head off.

"Hyuck!" someone hollered. Donghyuck turned around and saw a blond-haired guy with shoulder-length locks and multiple ear piercings making his way over. It's a miracle that the university permitted so many piercings, but when you're the dean's son, rules tend to bend. Donghyuck admired Yuta Nakamoto's audacity.

"How's my favorite boy?" the newcomer crooned, draping himself over Donghyuck.

"He's buried in the library, I'm sure," Donghyuck retorted, knowing full well Yuta's fondness were only for the meek student librarian.

"Oh yes! My dear Doie is too busy to notice me anymore. It pains me right here," Yuta jested, clutching his chest dramatically.

"Probably has your name tattooed on it."

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