Chapter 3 " Way to hell"

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A/N - So I want to make few things very clear the Astro I am talking about in this story is purely fictional not the k-pop idol one and for furthur quries ask me in the comment box. Vote for the book ❤️ love

Lucifer suddenly realised what he was thinking about the younger one he shook his head trying to avoid the feelings he felt a burn inside his chest.

Till now the angel prince also felt the presence of him he felt a pair of eyes piercing his soul. He immedietely looked into that direction .

And their eyes met.....

Astro 's sky blue eyes met lucifer 's pitch black ones. Their hearts skipped a beat .

Astro 's jaw dropped after watching a demon marching towards him with his dominating ruler aura.

Lucifer just smirked at his reaction .

Suddenly, his foot slipped because of the wet mud at the river 's bank and now he was on his knees just a feet away from Astro.

After watching Lucifer falling the innocent prince started laughing .

Astro-" hahhaahaha look look demon you fell huh "

Not knowing the further consequences he continued laughing wholeheartedly.

Meanwhile,  lucifer was just lost in his laugh he looked at him with so much love.

Suddenly,  realization hit him that he was the sin of pride his ego took over him then he growled

Lucifer-" you f****g weak angel how dare you I was thinking of being nice to you but I think you don't like nice things am I right??? So I think it would be better if I kill your father , take away your throne and Make you my slave that would be better right ????"

Astro was shocked to hear such outburst he looked at him with hate the thought of someone killing his father made him so angry the he

Slapped him...

But little did he knew this will cause him to end up in hell .

All the soldiers including Asmodeus and Satan were themselves shocked. No one dared to even look into their older brother 's eyes but this angel dared to slap him.

Asmodeus-"Oh my ,my someone is going to have a very ugly death today hmm. I see tsk tsk so sad I feel bad for him"

Satan -" tsk tsk poor soul his last day in the world I wonder what will big brother do hmmm.."

But lucifer was having something more dangerous in his mind he just smirked and...

Threw the young prince on his shoulders and started carrying him in his shoulders making everyone shocked but none of them dared to question lucifer.

Few royal angel guards tried to stop but ended up being dead.

Astro-" leave me you demon what are you doing?!??! Leave me just leave mee?!!?"
The poor price wasn't able to understand the ugly intention of older and just kept on shouting to leave him

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