Chapter 5-"The marriage agreement "

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Author's pov

At the main entrance of hell Lucifer was carrying the angel prince Astro in bridal style.

All the way Astro just kept crying and begging Lucifer to leave him.

"P-p-please ..l.leave me l-let me go..for God's sake let me go I am their prince they need me "

Lucifer smirked at his words and said" Fine I will let you go but...I have a condition you must defeat me in sword fight 😉 if you win I would let you go but I if you lose I would show you the literal hell and trust me it would be so painful ... think and answer me "

Astro looked at him with doe eyes and agreed not knowing that the person who is challenging him for a fight is himself Lucifer and it's impossible to win against him.

Lucifer had the most godly figure ever, perfect abs, plump lips,sharp jawline,and deepest voice ever.

All this went unnoticed by the angel prince as he was too concentrated on his black hairs because there are no angels with black hair in his place.

After thinking for a while Astro agreed to fight with him.

20 minutes later.....

After a really long fight Astro fell on the ground all being sweaty , exhausted and defeated by Lucifer . Lucifer 's sword was aiming at his neck just one blow and astro is dead .

"Tsk,tsk such a misery to see huh .. the prince of heaven covered dust oh my godddd my beautiful heart pains to see such pitiful sight oh it hurts ss to much oh my prince but after all it was your fault you really thought you can win against my brother Lucifer " Asmodeus sarcastically made fun of Astro 's defeat

"Well well I think prince Astro is a man of his word so as decided earlier prince Astro would come with us along with is subjects because they are now our slave right prince " the tall male with red hairs non other than Satan said in a mocking tone.

Lucifer harshly grabbed Astro 's hands and forcefully made him stand . He started dragging Astro towards the gate of hell which more looked like a pitch black path.

As soon as they enter in hell.Only a blazing fire and lava could be seen in hell and screams of sould getting punished could be heard all this made Astro dizzy and started falling unconscious Lucifer immediately grabbed his shoulders and held his waist which he felt one of the softest thing he has ever held no cotton or silk can be ever compared to his weak and fragile body.

"Tsk...tsk such a weak angel you are huh.. didn't your parents teach you how to fight nor they fed you well so you can atleast stand by hell 's heat nevermind, I will make you used to it after all you are going to be my personal slave right angel???"

Lucifer reached his castle and recieved a warm welcome from his mother Lilith.

"Oh my,my son ,my dear Lucifer today your mother is so proud of you you finally captured the prince and now we can just kill him and his parents too 😀 I am so happy " Lilith said in a cheerful tone.

Unknowingly her words made lucifer numb for a moment he didn't want to kill this soft boy he was holding in his hand instead he wanted to keep him with himself for eternity he wanted to feel his warm body and feel him but he didn't know how to express this to his mother as he did not want to acknowledge these feeling himself .

"M-mother can we skip this idea and just keep him as my slave I mean nothing personal just I mean that it will hurt his parents to see him in this condition and that would be worse than death right ? " Lucifer asked his mother hesitantly.

"What ?!!! You are leaving this boy , you aren't going to kill him why?!? I mean I know you want him as a slave right?! But I think there's something else too Lucifer my son tell me what's the matter did he do something because I have never seen you being so generous to any angel he is different isn't?? Hmm tell me ?? Anything personal" Lilith asked her son suspiciously.

Lucifer gulped his saliva he knew whatever he was saying to his mother was a lie but he himself didn't knew the truth.

"Umm mother.. I just want to keep him as my slave and torture him
Nothing personal mom ."

"Hmm.. if that's the case then .. why don't you just keep him in the prison it would be better right?" Lilith replied.

Again Lucifer wanted to say no to his mother because he wanted to keep Astro close to him but having no choice left he started walking toward the prison .

"Wait lucifer ! Why are you carrying him?? You can ask the guard he can carry him there too no need to worry about him"

Lucifer stopped in the mid way and looked towards the guard whom his mother had asked to carry Astro.

His blood started boiling when he looked at him . The guard was a middle aged man who was lustfully looking at Astro's milky waist and licking his lips it was clear that the guard wanted him and he had the intention of r*peing him in the prison .

"Mother I think I should keep him in my lair for now as I want to instruct him may I?" Lucifer asked his mother while looking at the guard with pure anger which went unnoticed by the guard as he was too busy while looking at Astro.

"Sure you can get him inside your lair but not for too long I will see you later " Lilith allowed him.

growled angrily.


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