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Today's task: Tell your alternative version of Climax and Ending of Her Step Husband. ❤

I'd appreciate your response. ❤❤

The next morning she woke up without any disturbance and found the bed empty. She slowly sat up, rubbed her eyes, and looked around in search of Huzaifa but he wasn't anywhere to be seen.

Her phone beeped and Unaiza diverted her attention towards it. She grabbed it and what was waiting for her there made her freeze.

Don't think that you win against me. I am still the winner. You yourself saw how happy he was with me last night. We were hugging and he made me wear the engagement ring. I know how to take my things back and show the low lives like you their true place.

It was obvious that this was a message from Inaya. Unaiza pressed her lips together as she didn't know what to feel right now. She threw the phone away, not wanting to get any effect out of this text.

Huzaifa must be up for his swimming. She quickly freshened up before heading towards the kitchen. Preparing his fresh juice, she arrived in the hallway leading to the pool. As usual, she saw her gorgeous husband doing many strokes in the water. His muscles were looking as breathtaking as ever as they were flexing in the blue water.

She strolled forward and then he went underwater for a moment before lifting his head up, pushing away his wet hair from his face and eyes. Unaiza expected him to come out but he didn't. Instead, his eyes focused on her and he stared at her without any hurry. Wearing her silk black night dress but wrapping herself with a big shawl, she again seemed innocently hot to him. Unaiza knew no one would awake this time hence she didn't become apprehensive coming in her night dress but for some safety, she still grabbed her shawl. Her hair was loosely tied up in a ponytail and those glasses made her look cute.

"Come here," he murmured.

"Huh?" She whispered.

"Come to me," he again rasped huskily making her heart flutter.

Unaiza took hesitant steps towards him. She stood over the edge of the pool, gazing at him curiously. "Your juice."

Huzaifa grabbed her hand and made her take the small white stairs of the pool. Unaiza gasped in fear but he had already made her sit on the lowermost stair while he was still inside the water, in front of her. The glass of juice slipped out of her hand and the liquid flew everywhere along with the glass which shattered on the ground. Unaiza put a hand over her mouth.

"What did you do?" She asked in horror.

"How about you try swimming too?" He implored, smirking.

"I don't know how to," she murmured.

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