I'm God

33 0 4

It's what

I think

Bite tongue,

Deep breaths.

Y/n's POV

I woke up around midnight, feeling really weird, rather woozy and dizzy. I got up, trying not to wake my girlfriend, I walked to the bathroom, looking in the mirror. I sighed softly, sitting down on the tiles to make sure I'm okay. I took deep breaths, to calm myself from whatever is happening. I started hearing my heartbeats in my ear, my head pounding while so. I felt my eyes getting heavy, but not in the sleepy way, and then-

Niki's POV

It was one am when I realised Y/n was not next to me. Immediate panic. I walked out of our room, checking the whole house. Kitchen, living room, guest room, and then the bathroom. That's where I found her. I tried not to panic, so I did what any human being would do, which was to call her family. I originally wanted to call her dad but from what I know of that man, he's a deep sleeper, so instead, I dialed Alex. He picked up after around ten seconds. I knew he was still here, because his flight was delayed with a day.

"Niki? What's wrong?" He asked. "I'm streaming."

"I think Y/n fainted, come quick please!" I said in the phone, panicking. I heard him hang up, and I was alone again. I debated wether I should call an ambulance or wait, but I felt like I was going to explode from panicking if I just waited around..

"Hello! My girlfriend fainted, I don't know when, but she's not showing any sings of being conscious, and her heartbeat is really fast," I said in a rush, trying to explain the situation.

"Okay ma'am, stay calm, what's your name?" The woman on the other side of the phone asked me.

"Uhh, Nikita Sophie," I answered, trying to calm myself down. "It's sunlady street 21." I told the address. I heard Alex come in the house, as his footsteps got louder.

"Alright ma'am, the ambulance is on the way, our team should be there in around five minutes." She told me.

"Okay, thank you!" I said as I heard the call disconnect. Once Alex had realised I stopped the phone call, he started talking.

"What happened, Niki?" He asked me. I started crying but told him everything I knew.

Before he could reply, the ambulance rushed in the house, picking my girlfriend up.

"Can I go with her?" I asked as I tried to stay as calm as possible.

"Yes." One of the medical people answered and brought Y/n to the car, me following really close behind.

"Alex, I'll see you in the hospital?" I asked him.

"Yeah, sure."


It was now a few hours and I was sitting next to Y/n's bed, listening to the doctor talk about what went wrong.

"She's extremely starved, barely has energy and it looks like she had fallen into a coma. We can't give her any medicine because we are not 100% sure what it would do to her body as she barely ate anything. We'll try everything we can to find a medicine that is safe, but she might not make it, we're sorry ma'am." The doctor finished.

"Doctor, is there any way I can help?" I asked.

"Just stay here with her. But you still have to rest as well." And he walked out. Alex had already gone home to support their parents.

A nurse walked in the little room, looking at me. "Niki Nihachu?" She asked.

Oh fuck.

"Hi yes that's me." I answered. There was no point in lying anyway.

"I'm so sorry about what's happening. I'm not going to say or post anything about this on the internet, I came in here to inform that Y/n has a steady heartbeat now, so she's getting a little bit better."

I smiled at the girl. She looked young, around 19. I felt a little relieved that Y/n is better, and that this girl wouldn't say anything about this. "Thank you, what's your name?" I asked her.

"My name is Brooklyn," She answered with a soft voice.

"Well, thank you Brooklyn." I said before resting my head in my hands.

"We're trying to do everything to keep her heartbeat steady, but when she recovers, because I'm sure she will, she's going to have to start eating. Small meals at first, then normal ones. If this happens again, she might not make it." Her voice was calm, but I could see the worry on her face.

I nodded, my eyes slowly closing.

I have to stay awake.

"You should go to sleep, please go home. I promise she'll be here in the morning too."

"No I can't.. leave her."

"I guess I can try to get another bed in here for you, would that be alright?"

"You're a lifesaver, Brooklyn. Thank you so much."

She nodded and walked out. She was so helpful, such a kind soul. I was thankful for all the help. I took a picture from a high angle, posting it on Instagram stories, with the text "can't sleep" I sighed and waited for Brooklyn to come back, and she did. With a whole ass hospital bed.

"It was a little risky but I got a bed for you, now please go to sleep." She told me.

"Thank you Brooklyn, I'll try." I told her as she left the room. I sighed and plopped down on the bed I have been brought.


I woke up. I wasn't sure what time it was, but Y/n was still in the bed next to mine. I let out a sigh of relief, happy that nothing happened when I was sleeping. I wasn't sure what to do. Without Y/n, my days were boring. I looked over to the door that way opening, seeing Alex, Y/n's mum and dad, and Zach and Aaron stepping in the room.

"Hi Niki," Zach talked first. The. They all greeted me after him, and started asking questions. I explained everything, trying not to break down in front of everybody. Which failed miserably, because I started crying halfway through the story.

Another nurse walked in the room, giving us all a worried look. "I have some news..."


Chapter! It's finally long-ish! I'm extremely proud of this, idk why lmao.

Take care of yourself!

Much love 💋

1063 words~

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