The Landing I

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"Is it true that you saw it?" The journalist waited for the woman's reply.

Every once in a while the woman gets a visitor claiming there are writers or journalists wanting to publish an article about a spaceship that landed in their town years ago. The woman took time to make her coffee since it's early as 8 in the morning. Usually she gets up from bed at around 9:30 am but today's different. She finally decided that she will break her silence regarding the infamous event that only she has witnessed.

"It's exactly a decade since the landing of that spaceship and we want to write an article about it commemorating the start of scientific discovery that proved the existence of life forms outside our planet." The journalist broke the silence again by talking.

Fidgeting, she checks her phone to read the messages from her co-writer in their publication.

You have to tell me about the interview after.

Are you in the middle of the interview already?

I can't wait to hear the story. She saw the creature come out right? I heard that from the rumors.

The woman finally finished stirring her cup of coffee, settled down on the couch right in front of the journalist.

"Nebula, that's your name right?"

"That is right, Ms. Lulwane."

"You can call me Rose."

"That is a beautiful name, Rose."

Rose smiled, trying to not appear intimidating. She can feel the nervousness of the young lady sitting in front of her. She looks too young to be in a publication, probably in her teen years. Smiling a lot as Rose thinks would lighten up the mood so she will feel comfortable interviewing her. She practiced the story she is going to tell, made herself ready for the possible questions and follow ups. She wants every single detail to be well-said and not to sound artificial as it actually is.

"Can I start recording for the interview, Rose? You can tell me when you're ready." Nebula said as she looked for the recorder inside her backpack, also bringing out a small notebook with a pen attached on its side.

"Yeah, sure. We can start now so you can kill your curiosity already before it kills you." Rose joked around, lighting up the mood more.

Nebula laughed and finally pressed the record button as she put down the device on the small table in front of her. Taking a sip of her coffee, Rose finally started narrating.

Rose's POV

It was exactly a decade ago but I can still remember that day. I mean, who would easily forget such an event. I've never seen a spaceship in my entire life, aside from the science fiction movies I often watch. In my mind, when I was younger, I wouldn't be afraid nor feel any fear towards an alien when I see one. But that day I was terrified.

I woke up with a sudden beam of light like lightning striking a nearby place. It wasn't followed by thunder but a crash, that's when I immediately got up. What's something that could make such a crash? An airplane? Asteroid? No, because I was still alive after the landing. I immediately walked outside because I wanted to know what the hell was happening. My dog kept barking so I decided to be the man of this house because I live alone.

Only one of my neighbors got out.

"You heard that too" It was Robert, he was in his night clothes, just woke up like me and confused.

"I wouldn't go out if I didn't."

"Where do you think it crashed?" he asked. I was confused too why no other people went out to search for the thing other than us. Then I remembered it was the last night of that music fest near our town. Almost everyone went there to just enjoy singing and dancing through the night. In addition, it is the biggest music festival everyone knows and popular bands and artists would be there. Who wouldn't wanna come?

"I don't know, maybe we should look around. I'm gonna get my car."

"Me too," Robert agreed.

So we searched. Because the town is just small it didn't take long to find it. The large scale of the spaceship would be noticeable because it was glowing. Neon light coming from its cracked opening.

"Do you think someone's inside?"

"I don't know that Robert, why don't you check it?"

"Why me? What if it's a monster? I'm not strong enough to fight it."

At that moment I felt fear. What inside was a monster? We don't have a high survival chance given that my body is not structured for combat and Robert has an artificial leg. These past few days, the rumors about organ-eating species have been creeping up my mind. Living alone in this small town is not a good thing for me. However, I like being here.

I felt fear which was surprising. I've dreamt of this. To see another species, to touch a real spaceship and to live my sci-fi fantasy in real life. Why am I trembling?

"Robert, go and check it! I'll wait in my car." I shut the door, bowed my head on the steering wheel. If it's a monster, we're gonna be found dead by tomorrow. No one's gonna mourn for me anyway.

"I'm not going to check it. I'm gonna stay in my car as well."

"You're a pussy!" I slammed the car door and headed towards the glowing spaceship.

The creaked opening of it continues to emit a neon light and as my heart pounds, as I get closer, I closed my eyes and decided to just get in without any hesitation. I can feel the warmth of the light inside and suddenly I felt calm so I opened my eyes. There it was, an alien from another planet, or galaxy that is lightyears away from us— but he was asleep.

I stood there for a while, not knowing what to do. I get to study its form. The similarities of its body to mine, the differences. It was a strange alien and I was fascinated. Five minutes had passed and I heard Robert drive away. He was probably scared that something might have happened to me already. While I listen to the sound of his car engine fading away from the distance, I also thought I can get away now. I can just go back to my house and sleep it off, pretend that nothing happened before something terrifying might happen.

But I also thought about how no one would be there waiting for me to get back. And if I die because of this creature, it would be better because I won't have to live alone anymore. I went back to staring at its body again but this time, I touched it. Turns out, it wasn't its naked body, it was wearing this space traveler's suit covering its entire body to be exposed. I took it off.

"What did you see? Can you describe what you have studied from its appearance? The similarities and differences from our body?"

Where do I start? 

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