Places Among Stars- III

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The next day as the two woke up Pixie immediately cheered that today will be a great day. Their mission: to find a suitable home for them, continue their lives. Daniel on the other hand seems not too optimistic about it. He still keeps thinking that the order of things up there would probably be the same back when Earth has its life. Humans are capable of adapting and developing but they might lose some essence of living. They might have another definition on how to live.

"I am so excited to meet other humans. Do you feel the same way Daniel?" Daniel did not respond but kept an eye forward while on the driver's seat of the spaceship, still thinking about the infinite possibilities of how human civilization turns out.

"You probably are really excited. It's been decades since the collapse of Earth and imagining you alone in your bunker, I think you are really desperate for human company now. Even if you have me." Pixie continued while gazing outside the glass of the vehicle.

"Can we visit Mars first?" He finally uttered. Since before, Daniel always wondered about life on Mars because it was the first ever planet humans considered habitable. It is probably a well established home planet now, Daniel thought. Terraforming the planet was given enough attention even before the seen arrival of the asteroid on Earth and he really wants to kill his curiosity already. Mars will probably somewhere he will find himself living. That will save them time— not being able to go to the other two places anymore.

From above, a huge portion of the planet can be seen with established infrastructures like a carbon copy of New York Time Square with its buildings competing to be higher than one another. Regardless of having a red soil, Mars looks quite good with the greens planted by its new people. The Martians did a good job constructing a new version of Earth. Landing on a parking lot beside a convenience store, the two decided to check out some snacks and gather some information from interviewing some Martians. To their surprise, no one was around.

"Do you think we coincidentally visit here during their founding celebration where people don't need to work for a week and just enjoy life?" Pixie jokingly said.

"This place is clearly well-kept. I mean look at those aisles, everything is stacked up and polished as if someone just left after cleaning."

"Anybody here? We are humans! No sorry. We are one human and one robot in seek for the store manager!" Pixie rolled towards the back of the store, hoping to find someone in the storage room.

"Let's go check the city"

It's around quarter to 9 in the morning and as Daniel and Pixie arrived at the heart of the city they landed in, they saw crowds of people cleaning the streets. One Martian saw them and happily greeted them with waving arms.

"Hey, fellow humans! It's a surprise that we have a new visitor. It's been a while since a group of humans went here to ask for new place to stay.'' The Martian explained his enthusiasm.

"Actually we are not here to permanently stay. We are on a mission to find a new home for us." Pixie talked for both of them.

"Ohhh, a mission. I like it! So you have a spaceship with you?" the Martian excitingly asked.

"Yes we—'' Daniel was cut off as Pixie jumped in to talk about their own spaceship. Not only that information was given. Pixie jumped to explaining their whole journey from the moment they first met and some background information of their lives.

As Daniel watched the two exchange some words and talk happily, he felt this easeness. It is a joy that he has found another human and it is like making a friend for the very first time. Without uttering any words and not introducing himself, he just throws smiles and laughs to inform the two he is still in with the conversation.

"So we kind of need someone to show us around. Pixie is my name, what is yours?"

"I am Jonathan. Nice to meet you Pixie. That is the most human name of a robot I have ever heard of. I like it!" Jonathan grips Pixie's hand for a shake. Looking at Daniel, it pushed him to introduce himself as well.

"I'm Daniel, Pixie's friend."

"So now that we are all friends, as I assume. Do you want me to tour you around Zion City?"

Jonathan became a helpful friend for the two, showing them every part of the city and explaining the background of it. Zion City was the heart of Mars' civilization. It was the first ever city built by the first batch of Martians that travelled from Earth. Other places around it are just sprouted developments of their new home as time passed. While Zion is the Central it is not distinguishable from other cities for they share almost similar infrastructures. They somehow follow a certain design of every building, the churches, schools, the malls and stations. No city stands up above others and no one is left behind. Everything progressed at the same rate.

It seems like the built infrastructures have no end for the civilization stretch as far as the eyes can see but they have reached the end of it. A fence and a couple of construction vehicles were arranged, separating the main road with asphalt and the rough road— the work in progress. Yet, it wasn't the plain redness that astound Daniel, it was a line of men working to build the project. They seem to be prisoners for they wear clothes kind of like a uniform. Daniel looks at Jonathan through his peripheral vision. It's the same clothes he thought. It would be inappropriate to jump into the conclusion that he is a criminal along with those people. The logical explanation Daniel can think of was this is their system. With that thought in mind, he refused to ask questions.

"I am going to assume you built all of these. These people are doing community work, good job for you Martians. I am truly impressed by these projects. Can you tell me more about your system, Jonathan? Also, I have realized that the stores do not have anyone in them."

"The stores are meant to be like that. Everyone is just so nice to not steal anything because we are living a good life here on Mars. Why would anyone commit a crime? Also we are doing community work, all Martians do. That is why developments and advancements are really fast here. Labor is the main ingredient. But I wanna leave, take me with you two."

"Why do you want to leave if anything seems so perfect here?"

"Just take me with you Daniel. Please don't make a big deal out of this."

"Excuse me Jonathan. You are asking for a favor but it seems like you are threatening us. Why are you suddenly behaving like this?"

Jonathan insisted on going with them. As he pushed and attempted to take control over of the ship, pushing Daniel out from his driver's seat, Pixie tried her best to push Jonathan back. The ship loses its control and Daniel decides to just use the voice command.

"Computer, land on a nearby empty lot."

"Landing on a nearby empty lot." the computer responded. Outside the ship, they have successfully gained the attention of the working Martians making them the center of attraction. However, no one dared to come close to them. They were intrigued by the commotion but not enough to stop working. A moment later, two Martian guards wearing a different type of clothing from the others walk towards.

"I am sorry for this. We are just mere travelers not looking for a fight but this Martian seems to be threatening us if we don't take him with us."

"I apologize if this man is causing you trouble. You may now leave the planet if you do not wish to seek home in our humble city."

Jonathan suddenly looked terrified. He glanced at Pixie and Daniel with begging eyes. It was gone, the threatening man a while ago was substituted with a man that seemed scared for his life. That was the moment Daniel knew that a system they somehow developed is inhumane. Eyes never lie. Pixie on the other hand remained still beside Daniel as she waved goodbye to Jonathan being taken away by the Martian guard. But Daniel thought, if he deserves to live a new life on a different planet better than earth or better than this, Jonathan deserves that too and other Martians there.

Questions filled his mind and he built resentment towards humanity on this red planet but he has no power to coerce them into doing it differently. He is just a mere travelling human, a pilgrim soul in search of its empty shell. He was about to take a step forward and take Jonathan with them but his eyes widened with the sight of a Martian pulling a gun from its back and instantly killing Jonathan. 

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