76 - Twist

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Sweat pours down your body as you try to stay as still as possible, hands shaking in an odd trembling rhythm.

"Taehyung are you fucking crazy?" Jungkook retorts with a force that makes you flinch back, "keep that gun down"

He takes a step towards you after seeing the fear in your eyes but immediately stops when taehyung parts his lips to speak again.

"Hands up and drop your weapons or I won't hesitate to kill her, jeon. You know I couldn't care less about a silly girl's life" his tone is laced with rage and seriousness, implying that he is not kidding.

You usher your eyes shut, heart erratically hammering inside your chest while jungkook looks around himself to see almost eight armed men surrounding the three of you.

Of course taehyung would've brought backup. He grits his teeth, eyeing the handgun which jungkook had a white knuckled grip on behind his back that forces the raven haired to slowly lower himself and drop it on the concrete road.

You feel ache intensify on your shoulder upon seeing your helplessness in this situation, one wrong move and the laser would go piercing through your temple.

If it wasn't for your death dawning right upon you, it was for sure that jungkook would not accept his defeat so easily.

He gulps a lump down his throat as he tries taking his surroundings in, desperate to find a way out but the way all these trained men had circled him with weapons in their hands, it was impossible for anyone to save him, forget doing it alone.

With brows slanted inwards and jaw clenched in nothing but pure frustration, jungkook looks up at taehyung, his usual brown orbs ten times darker, "You know I'll never forgive you if anything happens to her" he says as he rubs his free palms against each other before raising them up.

"I know and I couldn't care less about it" taehyung says with no expression whatsoever on his face as he walks towards you while his gaze remains fixed on jungkook.

He slightly cocks his head to side, motioning the men behind to get you, soon after which you feel two pairs of strong arms digging into the skin of your shoulders.

You try to plant your feet firmly to the ground, shaking your head as your eyes glisten in the subdued darkness where the only source of light were the street lamps.

"Jungkook..." you softly whisper, wanting to say something, anything at all, but no sounds come out of your mouth except his name while your pupils burn from all the unshed tears.

Your brain was terribly failing to process what was going on and that was resulting in you feeling choked up all of a sudden, all your breath sucked out of your body in no time.

Jungkook garners the courage to look at you through his sweat soaked hair - desperation, pain, anger - all of it swam in this dark, almost pitch black eyes and although he hadn't said it himself, you knew the fever was taking its toll over him.

Riding a bike in the rain while already feeling unwell had lead to him no longer being able to even see things clearly, all his surroundings vivid and muzzy in his vision while his body rang with vibrations.

He wished he could hug you for once, just let you know that things were going to be okay and this wasn't the end but when a cold hand embalms his wrists before cuffing them behind his back, he loses all the leftover hope he had.

Then with one swift movement of his leg, taehyung kicks the gun that lay in front of jungkook away and signals the guy behind him to put him on his knees.

"You're going to fucking regret this tae" he grits, face scrunched as if he's enduring a deep pain weighing inside.

"I know I will" the older male chuckles and beckons the men to take you away to the car that was parked in front.

his hostage II JJK X Y/N IIOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant