Chapter 2

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ten minutes late to dance practice is twenty minutes earlier than minho usually shows up, so the teacher is pleased. not with jisung though.

"I expected better of you," she begins to chastise jisung, but she doesn't get far. minho drags jisung away, not even saying a word to the teacher. she lets him, minho is basically second in command.

minho drags jisung with him to the front of the class. or to the front of the room.

I try my best not to panic as everyone is looking at me. okay, well they're looking at him but I'm right next to him so by association im basically being stared at.

"everyone!" minho exclaims cheerfully. my heart speeds up more as more people turn to us. I scoot closer to minho. he tightens his grip on my shoulder. god, I probably look even more like his pathetic pet.

no one pays me any attention though as minho continues. "welcome to dance class! today we are going to be switching partners. it's really important to work with new people often so you can develop new techniques and understand many different styles of dance."

a person calls out from the crowd. "real fucking rich from someone who hasn't switched partners in, like, two years."

minho's gaze snaps to the person who said that and I wince. I know he's just saying what others are thinking. so embarrassing.

"I don't need to switch partners because I have experience and don't suck at dancing like you do," minho retorts.

the person continues the fight. jisung shrinks closer to minho. now the attention is definitely on him.

"your partner isn't even that good," the boy in the audience scoffs. "what's his name even? he's just been coming because he has attachment issues and can't stay away from you."

at this i look down. I don't want to look at the people staring at me. I try to take a step away from minho, but he drops his arm around my hips and pulls me closer to him.

"why are you so mad?" I look up at minho and his face is hard and cold. "don't tell me you've got a little crush on jisung?"

I groan slightly at this. the silence from the boy In the crowd makes me look up, and I realize his face is slightly red. I turn to minho, who is looking down at me. "well? tell him you're not interested," he murmurs.

I shake my head. "I…"

I pause for a second, swallowing. minho looks angry at me, but his gaze softens as i finish my sentence hastily.

"can you do it for me?"

I know. I'm pathetic. I can't even do anything for myself. minho seems oddly endeared with my inability to communicate with anyone.

"he says fuck off," minho snaps at the guy, who looks embarrassed. "I don't give a fuck who you guys partner with anymore. just do your own thing."

minho drags me to the back of the room where his bag is. he takes his water bottle and gulps down a good amount of water. I watch him curiously. he must've been really thirsty.

he finishes and puts his water down. he does everything so fast. when he rushes to do things it means he's thinking about something.

he shifts his intent gaze to me. staring at me. I frown at him. he frowns back.

minho lee you're hard to figure out.


dance practice being over is a relief. minho and I have been dancing together for like two hours. he helps me a lot but I always feel like i'm bothering him with my lack of talent.

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