Romeo's Suicide

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It is a rainy season,
Droplets slur the words written in blue ink,
Meant to be spoken and not red.
Paper softens to a paste,
When left outside.
The ink bleeds into the ground,
Coloring the roots of flowers, a turquoise hue.
The fair petals are no longer pure,
Painted with the shades of the solemn sky.
God is an artist that does not take well to vandalism,
So, I spray them white,
To match the crisp pages never used.
These flowers do not smell of perfume,
Except now, their aroma is intoxicating.
I harvest these petals to create my signature scent
And seduce you into drinking the tea of my leaves.
Now, you may wear me in absence,
As I poison myself,
So that I may join you.

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