Chapter 7 - New team members and making male friends!

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"Ayanokouji, will you join student council?" Manabu asked.

Student council? It wasn't something I had considered before hand but here the opportunity presents itself. Student council could most certainly be beneficial, I would be able to be around and train with other strong students such as Manabu. The information net work would most certainly be beneficial as well. 

However the issues are a large issue. I wish to grow stronger as a trainer, I want to develop close bonds with my Pokemon and to eventually take on the strongest in the world. Being in student council would drain a very large amount of my time and make my other goal more difficult.

I'll have to pay Professor Oak a visit soon, I need to ask him something. 

"Manabu I-


I have come to a shocking realization, I have zero guy friends. Scrolling through my contacts all of them are girls, outside of Manabu








I really need to make more guy friends. I need to call someone for advice.




"Manabu, I need your advice on something." I answered

"Interesting, what is it?" He asked

"How do I make guy friends? You're the only guy in my contacts." I was hoping he could help.

"Ayanokouji, are you a playboy?" Manabu asked.


I'll find someone else to help me.


"Hey Ayanokouji, what did you need my help with?" Dawn asked while approaching the bench. 

Handing her my phone I asked, "Do you see any issues with my contacts?"

"Oh my gosh, Ayanokouji are you a womanizer?" Dawn joked.

"I need your help making guy friends. Do you know anyone that I would like to be around?" I asked.

"Well, theres one name that comes to mind. He's in my class and is known to be a prodigy, he's incredibly strong and much like you, his starter Pokemon is a fire starter. I also heard something about his second strongest being a water type, just like you." Dawn said.

Interesting, I haven't heard anything about someone that fits that description.

"Can I ask how he acts?" I asked, I don't want to deal with another aloof person.

"He's actually quite energetic. He is outgoing and has befriended almost everyone in my class." Dawn answered.

I want to meet whoever this person is. An incredibly strong trainer with a fire type starter much like my own. The difference between us is his personality, he is what I want to grow into as a person. I believe being around him will benefit both myself and my Pokemon.

"What is his name?" I asked

"Ethan, but most people call him Gold." Dawn answered. 

Gold is an interesting nickname.

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