Ad Astra - Book Review

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Author - @Theunknownauthor

Book - Ad Astra

Title:  -  1/5

I looked it up and I believe that your title translates to "to the stars" in Latin, and although it is a beautiful title, I couldn't find anything to connect it to in the story.

Cover:  -  1/5

Your cover is really pretty and went along with the title but again I couldn't find a way to connect it to the story.

Grammar/Punctuation:  -  5/5

I have nothing to say about your grammar other than it's amazing. Everything makes grammatical sense and I didn't have to spend any time trying to understand a sentence.

Characters:  -  8/10

Your portrayal of the characters is really good. I love how you gave Draco the daddy's boy personality, it gives a comical side to the character while also sticking to his original personality. I also like how you gave Harry's twin sister Eliana more of a confident and mischievous side which nicely contrasts her brother's personality, while still keeping them similar. However, something that I noticed was your representation of Hagrid, his character is nice but there isn't really anything different in his grammar and pronunciation which is something a lot of people use to define Hagrid. However it's not that important and everyone's interpretation of characters are different so if you didn't intend for him to act like that then it's completely fine, it was just something I noticed. Overall the character building was great!

Blurb:  -  9/15

Your blurb is very descriptive, but I couldn't find some of the things you put in it. For example, you said she suffers from depression and has an eating disorder but I couldn't find either of those things mentioned in the story, I also wasn't really sure where it said she was bullied. But other than those few items, your blurb is really good!

Plot:  -  15/15

I love how you built your plot so far, all the events happening tie in well with J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets which I assume is what you were intending. Also, everything makes sense and the plot is clear and easy to understand if you are familiar with the Harry Potter Fandom. I also love all the Draco drama hehe :)

Pacing:  -  12/20

Your pacing is good however it feels a little rushed and detail barren in certain areas. For example, toward the end of the book, some parts were skipped so you could finish the story, which is fine but it got a little confusing. Also, in the beginning of the book it doesn't feel like there was much of a shock when she got her letter, and we don't really know how she discovered her past either. I feel that it would be beneficial to take advantage of the skipped areas and write more in them, because not only would it help with explaining your story carefully with precision, but it would help you write more chapters therefore equaling a longer story. Overall I think it's well done and I know that you have a busy life and are already putting in a lot of effort, that was just my personal take on it.

Creative Visualisation:  -  15/25

While your story was nicely put together and followed the same events that took place in the 2nd year, I felt that it was missing a lot of your own creative plot points and added events, that's just my opinion though.

Total  -  66/100


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