Chapter 30

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The rest of the book will be from Midoriya's POV.

We're pulling up by the abandoned house by the time I register what just happened. He doesn't speak, just stares straight ahead gripping the wheel. I don't know what he wants me to say, if he even wants me to say anything. All I can think about is Himiko.

There's no way Ochako was right. Can't be. Why would Jin invite her there knowing that Shigaraki was going to see me? Unless she already knew the plan. That can't be right, she would have insisted on seeing me. I'm not even sure what she'd do. Himiko is so unpredictable. I was in her good books back then but running away like that without a word? She might hug me and tell me she missed me. 

Or she might just kill me without so much as a 'hello'. 

Bakugou sighs, pulling up the handbrake. He gets out of the car, leaning against his door. I take the hint to get out too and join him. The silence isn't really uncomfortable, not as much as it should be anyway. 

"So." He pulls out a cigarette, I didn't know he smoked. "I wanted to say sorry." 

"What?" My voice comes out in a whisper, like I'm so shocked even my vocal cords got scared.

"You heard me. I won't say it again" He scoffs.


"When I saw the way those extras were hounding you. The look on your face." He pauses, eyes flickering between me and his cigarette. "It just pissed me off, but I wasn't much better last night." 

Bakugou, apologising? I've not been a part of this group for long but this feels like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Yeah you were kind of an asshole." I chime, a smirk growing on my lips.

"I know." 

"Yelling at me for no reason, calling me pathetic." 

"Yeah, I know." 

"I doubt I'll ever forgive you. To make up for it you'll have to beg and do my bidding for at least a month." 

"Now you're pushing it, nerd." He laughs, a light singular chuckle that feels like a small slice of heaven.

The street lights start to flick on, illuminating the street of half-built houses. The sun isn't fully down yet but the lights are still set to the winter schedule. The mix of the afternoon sun and the street lights is doing something to Bakugou right now. He looks like he should be in a cologne ad or a music video that 12 year old me would watch on repeat. 

His eyes meet mine and I look away quickly. Was I just staring at him? What the fuck are these boys doing to me? I think they're putting something in my food. 

I look at the sun as it reaches the horizon. Shit. I still need to meet Shigaraki. And I don't even know where the fuck I'm going. 

"Can I ask one favor of you? And you can't ask why." I shift a little and he does too, his face now deadpan. 

"Depends. What is it?" 

"I need you to take me to Black Market." 


"I don't know where it is and I need to get there tonight."

"No." His voice is solid, sounding similar to a father telling his child off.

"Why not?!" I shoot towards him defensively. 

"Because that place is bad news Deku. I'm not taking you there." 

"You were more than happy to try and take me there the other week when you wanted to scare me off. What's changed since then?!" 

"I-" He pauses, eyes scanning mine like he's trying to read my soul. "Nothing. I just think it's a bad idea." 

"If you don't take me I'll go myself." An obvious bluff, I already told him I don't know where it is. 

Though I could call a cab or something. He seems to be going through the same thought process, his eyes once again scanning mine. He looks at me like I'm some sort of puzzle with missing pieces but he's still trying to make out the picture. I don't know if I hate it or not.

"Fine." He sighs eventually.

"You can't tell the others either." I add on quickly.

"What's this about?" He pushes off his car and steps towards me, face serious like I just asked him to murder someone instead of a simple ride to some bar. 

"I told you that you can't ask." I groan.

He frowns and I can tell he's debating something. "Can I ask just one thing?" 


"Is this to do with the guy Sparky saw at Bad Habit last night?" 

My instinct is to say no but I hesitate, and that second of hesitation is all he needs to get his answer. He nods to himself and sighs, flinging the butt of his cigarette into the street as he opens his car door. 

"Don't just stand there, let's go." 

"That was a quick change of heart." I frown

"I just want to get this over with." 

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