Chapter 28

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- Midoriya's POV -

Watching the morning sun fill someone else's bedroom is always a weird feeling. This morning however it's worse. Like a confirmation this past week wasn't just some twisted nightmare. It was real. All of it.

On one hand, waking up to the smell of a full breakfast is a nice change from my mom yelling at me not to be late to school as she rushes out the door to work. On the other hand it's just a painful reminder that everything is different now.

There wasn't much time to pack the other day. Most of my clothes are still at my Mom's house. All I can scrap together is a plain black t-shirt with black jeans and my school shirt on top. I left behind all my jewellery. Great.

"Izuku come on!" Ochako bursts in with a big grin. "Your food is getting cold." 

"Fuck Ochako! Why'd you charge in like that? What if I was changing right now?" I laugh a little too forcefully but she doesn't seem to notice.

"Well it is my room." She retorts.

I give her a sly grin. "Seems like you're trying to catch a glimpse of something."

"The boys aren't around you don't have to pretend to flirt with me." She rolls her eyes and grabs my hand. "Now come on!" 

She drags me down the stairs by my arm, almost making me fall. She's so impatient, her and Mina would really get along. 

The kitchen is full, everyone sitting at the breakfast bar, fixing their 'uniforms' which don't even have anything to do with the school uniform anymore or checking their bags. Bakugou sets down a plate of food in an empty spot. Presumably for me. 

How are they up so early? I don't get it. They should be more tired than me right now seeing as they're the ones who were up on stage for hours last night. I guess they're used to it though. I hop on on the empty stool, the food looks so good but I'm not sure if I can stomach it right now. 

There's a feeling hanging over me like impending doom and I think I'm a little hungover even though I didn't drink that much last night. That or my brain is just melting under all the bullshit in my life. 

The others all smile and talk to each other. Chatter about their set last night, what to play next gig. Bakugou looks tired, like he was up early this morning. I wonder if he has some kind of morning job, like a paper route or something. 

Denki laughs loudly, interrupting my thoughts and making my mind shrivel into a cold, dark cave in the back of my skull. My ears ring with the sound of dishes and talking. The smell of the food suddenly too strong and the light suddenly too harsh.

"You okay, Angel?" Hanta eyes me from across the table. "You look sick." 

"I'm fine." I smile and push the food around my plate. 

"You sure?" Eijirō raises a brow at me. 

"I said I'm fucking fine." I say a little too loud, obviously not fine. "I'm gonna walk to school." I push the plate away and get up, heading for the front door. 

"Let him go." I hear Bakugou in the Kitchen, stopping whoever from chasing after me. 

I'm being dramatic but I don't care, I need a moment alone. My mom's car is still in her driveway so I cut between the houses to avoid seeing her on her way to work. The sun feels like my enemy right now, I swear it's beating down harder just to make today worse for me. 

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