Chapter 5: Savage Attack on The Zwei Islands

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The Savage have now been sighted on The Zwei Islands. After running a diagnostic and discovering that the threat was a Trenta Class Savage, Claire decided not too send in Kagari, Hayato, and Emile. However, she was stopped by Charlotte, who told her that Liza was the one who recommended the three of them so this mission would end as a success.

With that, the team was now on their way to the Zwei Islands.


In the clouds above, a large airplane was flying through the air. Inside, Claire, Liddy, Erica, Kagari, Hayato, Emile, Charlotte, and Mei Mei were inside as a rundown of the situation was given.

Erica: I'm going to rundown the agenda for you. First, Claire, Liddy, and I will rendezvous at Point Alpha to engage the Standard Savage.

Erica: Once we take that one out, we'll take time to confront the Trenta Class at Point Gamma. Kagari Sanashi, Hayato Kisaragi, and Emile Crossfode, that'll be your que to move out. You will engage a Standard Savage at Point Beta.

Emile: Why won't we all sortie together, though?

Claire: Because you and Hayato Kisaragi and haven't logged any combat time. We will go out first and show you how to fight them so you don't get yourselves killed. Kagari Sanashi will be assisting you with the Standard Savage, as well.

Kagari nodded his head in silence, gripping his Hundred tightly.

Liddy: Besides, once you've killed the Savage at Point Beta, your job is over and you can go.

Hayato: So you won't need our backup with the Trenta Class, then?

Emile: Yeah, that thing looks pretty vicious, are you sure about that?

Liddy: Give us some credit! We've eliminated plenty of Savages without your help up until this point!

Claire: We've also encountered several unknowns on a number of occasions and successfully obliterated them each and every time. Leave the Trenta Class to us.


Zwei Islands

The airplane was now flying above the Zwei Islands. Once the back of the airplane was opened, Erica jumped out with a rocket launcher in her hand as she pinpointed the location of a Savage.

Erica: First we must disable the Savage's vision.

She then fired multiple rockets down at the Savage, blinding it as Claire and Liddy joined Erica falling from the sky.

Claire: Liddy! Erica! We're going in!

Liddy/Erica: Right!

Claire, Liddy, Erica: Hundred On, Go!

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Claire, Liddy, Erica: Hundred On, Go!

In a glowing light, Claire was in her Alisterion Hundred, Liddy was in her Midgardschlange Hundred, and Erica was in her Hundred.

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