Chapter 17 Zayn and Eleanor's backstory

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Hey beautiful people so sorry for the long wait I was busy. Just a heads up there is only going to be one or two more chapters to this story. That's all I have for you all enjoy

Zayn POV

"Zayn please! Please don't do this!" Eleanor said as she trying to break free from my grip but I have a steady grip on her.

I'm standing here with the blade to Eleanor's heart as Harry is holding down Louis and is clearly struggling.

"Don't listen to her Zayn stab her!" Niall yelled.

I should do this, I have to do this, but I don't want to, but I must, my mind is all over the place I can't think straight, Eleanor is screaming Niall yelling at me Harry holding Louis down it's all to much.

"No Zayn please! You promised! Zayn!" Eleanor said.

That's when I froze. Eleanor right I did promise here I can't do this to her I told her I would protect her and keep her safe what am I doing.

"Zayn! What are you waiting for!" Liam yelled.

I know what I have to do. I come close to Eleanor's ear and whisper something to her.

"I'm sorry please forgive for not keeping my promises I'll remember you I promise that" I say. Then I stab her through the heart.

I hear her breath hitch as she take her last breath as she turns pale and goes limp in my arms. I feel horrible I just killed her I'm a monster. I look up for a second and see Harry shaking Louis who is on the ground oh no is he ok? What happen? It doesn't matter I just killed Eleanor.

I fall to my knees Eleanor still in my arms and I'm now crying I just killed my best friend how could I.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry" I whisper over and over again even though I know it won't bring her back. I promised her she would be safe that she could trust me and after all these years I broke it.

I continue to sob over Eleanor's body until I feel a hand on my shoulder that's when I look up and see Liam standing there. I lay Eleanor down as gentle as I can and stand up wiping my eyes.

"Zayn I don't know why your crying but we have to burn the body or do something to get rid of her so she can't come back" he said.

"What no we are not burning her we can bury her or something" I said defending my idea.

"Why? We don't want some other vampire to find her and bring her back we should just burn her and be done with it" he said.

"NO we are not burning her I made a promise to protect her the least I can do is bury her!" I yell. Liam jumped a bit at my outburst and I just then realized how over protective I was being.

"What's going on with you Zayn what promise?" He asked.

"Listen I'll tell you all later can we just bury her please" I said begging.


I pick up Eleanor and carry her bridal style as Liam and Niall follow me into the woods. Once we get far enough from her house Niall starts to dig a hole. When the hole is done I carefully place Eleanor's body in as we all start to pile up dirt. I picked a white lily flower and placed it on top of the dirt.

"Goodbye Eleanor I'm sorry I had to do this to you" I whisper as I kiss me hand at put it on the dirt.

"Let's get back to the house I want to check on Louis" I say and turn around and start walking home saying nothing more.

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