Chapter 12 Secrets

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Happy new year beautiful people first chapter of 2024, hope you all had a good year and ready for a new one along with a new chapter enjoy.


Louis POV

(1:50 AM)

The sound of my alarm going off inside my pillow case woke me up. I turn my head and see Harry is still there good I didn't miss him leaving. I slide my hand in my pillow case and shut the alarm off, it didn't take long before I felt the bed start to shake as Harry was getting out of it. I kept my eyes closed and listened to Harry shuffling to put a shirt on and listen as his footsteps got quieter as he walk away from the bedroom.

I slowly open my eyes and see Harry is no longer in the room. I quickly but quietly get out of bed and rush to put a shirt on and walk down stairs I have to be quick before Harry leaves my sight. I hide behind a corner as I hear Harry put shoes on and leave closing the door behind him. I put on a pair of shoes and follow him out the door as well.

As I'm following Harry into the wood  he keeps taking different turns making it hard to keep up with him but I manage. After about 10 minutes of following him he stops in the middle of the woods like he's waiting for someone. I hide behind a tree and I see a girl approach him but I don't know who it is yet. They start talking but I can only make out a few words I'm going to need to get closer if I want to hear what they're saying and who this person is.

I slowly make my way closer to them when I step on a branch and make a noise I hide behind a tree closer to them and pray that they think it was a animal at least I can hear them better.

"What the hell was that!? He didn't see you did he?" The woman asked I think she was talking about me.

"No, he was sound asleep when I left it was probably a animal" Harry said.

"Whatever now you have a update for me?" The woman asked her voice sounded so familiar yet I have no clue who it is.

"Yes, I think Louis is on to us, he was all up in my business and I swear he saw the text I sent you but I asked him about it and denied it. Also Louis and Zayn have been talking a lot about something but I don't know what it is." Harry said is Harry spying on me and Zayn?

I lean in from behind the tree to try and make out who this woman is even though we are in the dark her posture and tone of voice gives it away Harry is talking to Eleanor. But why the hell would Harry be talking to her? Something is going on and I need to find out what it is.

"Well figure it out I don't care what you have to do to find out and if Louis gets in the way then bring him to me now go" Eleanor said s as Harry walks away and I hide behind the tree again so he doesn't see me.

What did Eleanor mean by bring me to her if I got in the way? Has Harry been spying on us this whole time and telling Eleanor? Why? All I know is I have to get back home and tell Zayn all about this I also have to make it back home before Harry finds out I'm not in bed. I slowly start to make my way back home when I hear a voice.

"You can come out now Louis I know your there" Eleanor said and I froze shit.

I turn around and see Eleanor with her hands crossed. "What are you doing here?" She asked "I could ask you the same thing what are you doing here and talking to Harry, Harry would never talk to you what's going on?" I say. "Oh Louis it's rather simple actually do you know how easy it was to mind control Harry and tell him to keep an eye on all of you and report back to me and make him forget he ever did" she said laughing. I was in shock Harry was spying on all of us and then telling Eleanor all our plans I can't believe it. That's why Harry was trying to tell me that night before he forgot but I didn't listen.

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