Chapter 13 The plan

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Hello beautiful people hope y'all are doing good this is where this start to get a little crazy so hold on for the ride and drama, enjoy.



Louis POV

"Come on Zayn! Your not even trying!" I yell at him.

"I am! I'm tired and don't want to be doing this right now!" He yells back.

Me and Zayn are practicing with his elder powers more and right now I am trying to get him to move something anything with his mind but no luck. I know I probably should be yelling at him but I need him to be able to do this, Eleanor doesn't have this power and I know if I can get Zayn to have it maybe we can have a advantage.

"Zayn I really need you focus! Now again!" I said picking up a heavy book we are using to practice and holding it against a wall. The goal if for Zayn to stop the book before it hits the ground but as I let go for the 100th time this morning no luck.

"Zayn! Come on!" I yell.

Zayn's face is red either from concentrating or he frustrated as he walk towards me his face right in front of mine. "Do you think I'm not trying! I have been trying ever since you woke me up! And I am so fucking sick of you bossing me around maybe that's why I haven't gotten it yet I have a terrible teacher!" He screams in my face. "Well maybe if you would take this seriously and stop being a wimp we would be done!" I yell back "Well maybe!-" Zayn started but we doth were cut off by Liam coughing to get our attention which it did.

"What the bloody hell is going on in here? I can hear you from my room without my super good hearing" he asked with his arms crossed.

"I'm just trying to help Zayn out with his powers but it isn't going according to plan" I say.

"Yeah," Zayn said crossing his arms and giving me a look "And I just want to be done with this bullshit and relax but you won't let me!" Zayn yelled.

"Yeah because you need to get this we are running out of time and I don't want Harry to-" I was cut off by Zayn again.

"Don't want Harry to end up like Caleb yeah yeah we've heard it" Zayn said rolling his eyes which makes me glare at him.

"Ok calm down alright maybe you two should take a break" Liam said but me and Zayn were not having it.

"Oh believe Liam I would love a break but Louis only cares about his precious little Harry and nobody else, he's willing to push everyone around and make us suffer just so Harry can be safe" he said giving me looks while he said it. I am now more mad than before how dare he use Harry as a excuse.

"Take. That. Back." I say trying to stay calm but it's not working as you can hear my anger in my voice and Zayn knows that but he keeps egging me on.

"Why would I, we all now it's the truth all you ever care about is Harry Harry Har-"

"That's it!" I say running towards Zayn and pushing him to the ground as I through punches. Zayn throws me off of him using his strength pushing me into a wall as I charge after him again. I can feel Liam's arms wrap around me as he tries to stop the fight but me and Zayn are all ready to into it to stop. Liam's arms are still trying to pull me of Zayn while Zayn and I continue to throw punches at each other completely ignoring Liam's presence. The next thing I know Niall's arms are wrapped around Zayn as they both pull me and Zayn away from each other.

I try and break free from Liam's grip and I can see Zayn trying to do the same with Niall but both of us have no luck, I was then snapped out of my thoughts when Liam spoke.

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