Chapter 4 Blood bag

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Hello again beautiful people I have another update for you all, hope you enjoy it. That's all I have to say comment your opinions and vote so I know you like the character.


Louis POV

I slowly open my eyes looking around trying to remember where I am. Right, I came down to feed Harry and I fell asleep on him.....well I think we both fell asleep on each other. I look down and Harry is still sleeping on my chest, I needed to go upstairs and see if the boys are back but I don't want to wake up Harry. I slowly and gently move Harry's head off my chest and on to the wall. I wanted to bring Harry up with me but if the boys are home they wouldn't like me bringing Harry back up here without talking to them about it.

I quietly walked up the stairs and into the living room and see all of the guys watching TV it looked like they were waiting for me to come up.

"Morning sleepy boy we need to talk" Zayn said getting straight to the point at least he said it in a nice way.

"Ok" is all I said as I walked over and sat on a chair well the other 3 were on the couch with Zayn in the middle.

"Listen Louis well you were sleeping we were all think about you and Harry, we were thinking of what to do with him. We can't trust him to let him go he has all ready tried to escape so we can't risk him rating us out, we also can keep him along by himself incase he tries to escape again but we're all also worried about you Louis." Zayn said the 3 of them all looking really concerned about me. "Ok, what does that mean, where is this going?" I asked nervously and Zayn continued talking.

"I know you don't like to bring up Caleb but ever since you met Harry you been acting wired and when we mention Caleb you get mad and run off and I know when your mad you drink blood to help cope with it all and believe me we all know it helps but you need to be more careful with your victims. That Lily girl you killed is all over the news and people are scared shitless and it's becoming harder for the rest of us to hunt and we were all thinking maybe Harry can help us with that" Zayn said trying to tell me something so I understand him and so I wouldn't get mad but I had no clue what he was trying to say.

"I don't understand what your saying Zayn just spit it out already" I said

"What I'm trying to say we should all drink from Harry......" Zayn said. The second I heard that I was furious why would they ever think I would let them do this! What in their fucked up minds would make them even think that! Let along think I would be ok with this, this is fucked up. I was about to start yelling when Zayn cut me off.

"Louis calm down just here me out ok. We all promised we would never drink from him were we would kill him or even make him pass out for that matter and we would give him breaks. It's only till the whole Lily case dies down it's to risky and Harry is human and....." I didn't let Zayn finish before I spoke my mind.

"REALLY!!!!! YOUR PLAN WAS TO TALK TO ME ALL CALM JUST TO TELL ME YOU ALL WANT TO DRINK FROM HARRY!!!!! ARE YOU ALL SICK OUT OF YOUR MIND. I WILL NOT ALLOW ANY OF YOU SICK PEOPLE TO LAY A FINGER ON HIM DO YOU ALL HEAR ME!!!!!" I stoped yelling and fell to my knees on the ground also catching my breath from all that. So many emotions I was feeling I wanted to punch Zayn for even thinking about that and the others for agreeing but as much as I hated the idea Zayn was sadly right. It was becoming to risky for us to go out and we need blood to live. I let out a loud sigh and finally spoke.

"Zayn your right, but even if you are right I could never ask Harry to do such a awful thing" I said sobbing into my shirt. Niall came to give me a hug for comfort I wanted to push him away I was still mad at all of them but no matter how mad I was only sadness came out until I hear a voice speak up.

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