Chapter 11 Harry's acting weird

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Hello beautiful people how are you all doing hope all is good. Sorry for the late update again I didn't really know what to write. I hope you all had a good Christmas. Until then enjoy this update.


Louis POV

(2:36 AM)

I woke up in the middle of the night because I had to pee, I looked over to see Harry wasn't in the bed or in my room for that matter where is he? I didn't turn on any light because I didn't want to wake my brain up but I did have night lights around the room and bathroom so I could easily find my way with out bumping into any thing. When I was done doing my business I crawled back into bed Harry was still no where to be found. Maybe he's down stairs grabbing a snack, yah that's it. I thought and I pull the covers back over me and drift back to sleep.

(8:00 AM)

I woke up again this time from the morning sunlight in my face. I roll over and feel another person in the bed I open my eyes and it was Harry. I stare at him with a smile on my face he's so precious while he sleeps. I play with his curls for a while until he slowly starts moving and turning his face now in the pillow.

"Morning curly" I say giving a small chuckle of the nickname I gave him on the spot.

"Don't call me that" he groaned and turned back on his side to look and me and our eyes met.

"Where did you go last night?" I ask still playing with his curls.

"What do you mean I didn't go anywhere I never left the bed"

"Yes you did, I went to the bathroom around 2 in the morning and you weren't in the bed I thought you went downstairs to grab a snack or something" I say, both of us now sitting up straight.

"Still don't know what your talking about I never left. It was probably a dream now I'm hungry I'm going to go down and make some breakfast." He said kissing my head and got out of bed to put on a shirt then going down stairs as I stayed in bed a little longer.

I was sure he wasn't there I mean it was dark but I didn't feel him on the bed. I laid back down and stared at the ceiling wasn't there something Harry wanted to tell me last night but I said we would talk about it later? I get out of bed and I also put on a shirt and head down stairs to see Harry making what I think are pancakes. I look around and realize it just me and Harry up or at least down here. I come up behind Harry and give him a hug.

"Do you think the others would want some breakfast or no do you want some?" Harry asked.

"The guys usually go out for brunch and they usually hunt so no and I'm good but thanks love also remember last night you wanted to tell me something but I said you can tell me later what is it?" I asked still holding him from behind.

"Umm...what are you talking about?" Did he seriously not remember, he said it was important.

"You know last night when we got you back I took you to my room and we kissed and you said you had to tell me something important but I told you to tell me later what was it?" I said hoping that help him remember I want to know what he wanted to tell me.

"I still have no clue what your talking about I don't have to tell you anything not that I know of." Really? That's weird.

"Ok well I'm going to go upstairs and get dressed let me know if it comes to mind" I say kiss his cheek and leave. I know I said that I was going to get dressed and I am but first I need to talk to Zayn.

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