Back To UA

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Sero smiled as he felt Kaminari holding onto him as he made his bike go faster. 

Kira was right behind him as she was trying to keep up with her boss and friend. "Hey Ghost! Not so fast! My bike still in repairs!" 

Sero laughed. "Well then hurry up cause we can't be late getting back to the school or we can't get in. I also have Blot, so we need to be careful okay!" He yelled back. 

Kira rolled her eyes, but caught up to Ghost after a bit of work. 

After the 3 had gotten close enough to UA they hid their bikes as Sero was now carrying his sleeping boyfriend in his arms. 

Kaminari was curled up eyes closed and body still warm. 

Sero looked at Kira as they got closer to the gates. "You need to use your card this time cause I have been gone too long." 

Kira signed. "Well we wouldn't want you getting kicked out of the hero course right?" 

Sero nodded holding Kaminari's close as he felt the soft and shaky breaths coming from his sleeping boyfriend. 

Kira nodded to Sero as the gate opened after a few seconds and the 3 were able to get onto the UA campus now. 

Sero held Kaminari close as he sighed. "See you when I see you Kira, but I have to take him to see Recovery Girl." 

Kira just nodded before running towards the general studies dormitory. 

Sero was soon running as well because Kaminari wasn't okay after everything that happened that day and he wanted to make sure Kaminari was somewhere safe tonight. He also quickly looked behind him seeing that the UA gates had closed tightly behind himself. 

Sero ran into the school building area going right towards Recovery Girls office. He quickly opened the door once he got there looking around for the school nurse. "Recovery Girl!" He yelled as he held onto his shaking boyfriend as now Kaminari was awake holding him right back. 

Sero held onto Kaminari trying to keep himself calm as he felt tears filling his eyes. 

Kaminari was holding onto Sero as well as his eyes were already tearing up as well and soft sobs came from him. 

Soon a door opened from one of the back rooms as Recovery Girl came out of the other room before her eyes widened. She knew this feeling way too well because of Midoriya coming into her nurses office after each of his panic attacks. 

After a few minutes Kaminari was laying in one of the medical beds an oxygen mask on his face to help him breathe through the second attack. 

Sero was on the floor as he held his face in his hands. "I did this to him! It's all my fault!" He punched the floor with one of his hands that had become a fist only a few seconds before. 

Recovery Girl had calmed down Kaminari and now she had to calm down the student with the taping quirk. 

She was soon standing beside him with her hand on his back. "Oh sonny it's not all your fault you didn't know."  

Sero heard her words as he stood up feeling her hand move away. "I....I don't know what I am anymore...." 

Recovery Girl sighed as she looked between the two boys in her small office. "Sero Hanta, You're a hero in training! You both are! You and Denki Kaminari are both heroes in training and that won't ever change because I know that's what you have wanted for a long time now."

Sero sat down on one of the other free beds trying to just breath as his body wasn't doing what he wanted it to at this moment in time. 

Recovery Girl could see that Sero was hurting and emotional as she slowly walked over to stand beside him. "Would you like something to calm you down?" She asked. 

Sero could only nod as he laid down on the bed. "Ya...Ya...." He could feel his brain bumping around his head as he couldn't stop thinking about everything and everyone he knew because of his past.  

As soon as Recovery Girl used a sedative on Sero he felt himself go into a deep sleep as he hadn't been able to do that for the last few nights, but now being somewhere safe and with a nurse who knows what she's doing, he felt safe to rest. 

(Early morning)

Sero felt his eyes slowly open to the dimly lit room of the nurses office at UA high school. He turned to look beside him as he saw Kaminari sitting drinking water from a cup as Recovery Girl was saying something to him. 

Sero felt off as he couldn't hear anything, but a ringing in his ears. He calmed himself down after he held his nose and  took a breath popping his ears which made the ringing stop after a few minutes. 

Sero stayed laying down after that, but knew something was going on as he turned his head to see Mr. Aizawa sitting in a chair next to his bed. 

Aizawa stared back at his student. "Good morning Sero Hanta." He put his hand on Sero's arm. "Rough night again, I see." 

Sero felt his teachers touch on his arm, but didn't fight it as he knew he wouldn't be able to get away. 

Kaminari waved at Sero from where he was sitting with an eye patch over his black eye as Recovery Girl had tried to heal it, but it hadn't worked, so now she was trying something else. 

Sero looked back at Mr. Aizawa as that's all he was able to do because his body currently felt numb. 

Kaminari looked to Aizawa. "I'm sorry for yelling at you the other day..." 

Aizawa only nodded. "It's alright as you came back didn't you....With a little help I see." As he gestured to Sero with his hand. 

After a few more minutes of talking Aizawa was walking his two students back to the 1A dorms. 

Soon after that they were back in the classroom with the rest of their classmates. 

Once classes were done they were back at the 1A dorms again as Iida and the rest of the class asked about what was going on, but Sero and Denki just stayed quiet only going from the classroom to their dorm rooms for the next few days. 

Soon everything wasn't normal as Sero and Denki ended up being out of classroom for some time, but they weren't off of school campus either they were with Recovery Girl and Mic talking some things over. 

After a few more weeks Sero was back in the classroom like nothing was going on and 1A was starting to worry even more as it was getting closer to exam days. 

Months went by as Sero was in class a lot more, but Denki was only in classes for 2 weeks before being taken back to the nurses office as Recovery Girl had started trying to treat him for his depression and panic attacks as he had them more and more the longer he was at UA. 

Soon it was the exam day and class 1A were standing there in front of all of the UA staff teachers. 

Denki was there, but it seemed like life had been sucked right out of him. 

The other thing that had started to change was how close Sero and Kaminari were getting to each other as they were standing as far away from each other possible when the exam info was being told to their class.

The teachers would be up against the students, two paired together to make it to a summer camp that was happening as almost everyone had passed their written exams. 

Exams start as the groups are all made up of weaknesses and strengths as well as relationships. 

Currently everyone was watching as Sato and Kirishima were being beaten by Cementoss as he made wall after wall with his quirks power. He knew that they kids would over work themselves and they did by the end of it getting driven to the nurses office by the small robots. 

Everyone had their turn and it soon came to Mina and Kaminari going against Nezu. 

Both were worried, but because of things changing a lot Mina hoped for the best as she had seen the rest of her besties quirks by now and wished him luck cause they were going against Nezu now. 

Mina looked at Kaminari now as they stood at the starting gate. "So are you feeling up to this....I was watching you watch the other exams..You seem down." 

Kaminari shook his head smacking himself a few times. "I'm fine Mina just off my game a small bit because of everything going on, but as long as I can keep my head in the game here maybe we have a chance at going to the summer camp with everybody else." 

Mina smiled hugging Kaminari. "We got this! I won't let you down!" She moved back as Kaminari had made a weird movement, but she knew what it meant. Her friend just didn't want to be touched at the moment, so she wasn't going to push it as they started walking to the middle of the exam area together. 

Mina still felt the offset feeling Kaminari wasn't okay, but she and him both knew they wanna go to this summer camp Aizawa was talking about, so they just needed to pass this physical one first. 

Mina and Kaminari both got ready as the exam was about to begin and this was it. It was all or nothing. 

Mina nodded as she got ready to use her quirk like Kaminari and her had planned, but she was worried it wouldn't work. 

Kaminari looked around the area using his quirk already to try and find out where Nezu was as he used his heat signature quirk. It was harder than it looked, but he soon found the mouse, rat principal sitting in a large wrecking ball machine vehicle type thing as he gulped. 

Mina heard the gulp as her eyes widened. "You found him didn't you?" 

Kaminari nodded and looked more scared now, more than he had been the last few days. 

Mina and Kaminari looked at each other as they heard the alarm for the exam to begin. "We're going to die!" They both yelled running as the large ball came crashing through one of the nearby walls. 

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