Harder times ahead

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Denki and Sero looked at the person at the door.
Sero looked at Denki. "Oh god."
Denki looked at Sero. "Yep."
Sero looked back at the person. "Hi.....dad." He slowly stood as he put one of his hands on his arm rubbing at it.
Denki stayed on the couch as his legs wouldn't let him move.
The man at the door looked at Sero. "Sero I see you came back? Where were you this afternoon for 2hrs?" He kept his voice calm as he knew he would set off his son immediately if he said it more angry like.
Denki looked down at his hands as they were shaking.
Sero looked down and then back up at the black haired man.
The man looked at Sero. "Speak up I don't have all day!" He yelled.
Sero jumped at the yelling. "I was...I was." He was shaking a lot as his father was slowly coming closer to him.
Denki looked at the two in front of him, but they were more or less beside him.
Sero and his father were just staring at each other.
Sero stayed quiet scared as he saw the two man in suits behind his father.
Sero's father looked at Denki. "Subject 17 What do you think your doing over there?"
Sero's shoulders and arms felt let they were tightening up as he looked at his father.
Denki jumped as he stood up standing shaking as he moved away from the couch and into the corner of the room.
Sero gulped.
Sero's father looked at Denki closely. "Speak boy!" He yelled as he snapped his fingers the two man in suits moving over to Denki.
Denki was shaking like crazy.
Sero looked at his father. "No! No! Don't do it! Please don't! Dad!"
His father only looked at him. "You won't be a problem as your staying point."
Sero grabbed his head as it started to feel painfully like someone was pushing knifes and smacking him.
Sero's father smirked. "Now stay down son and you address me as Vex's in front of the test Subjects."
Sero fell onto the floor as his body went weak. A shock had gone through his body causing this to happen as his father had control over him in ways that not normal parents would do to their children.

Sero's father watched his son fall to the ground as he just watched as his guards grabbed Denki by the arms pulling him out of the room.
Denki wanted to get away, but he didn't try knowing he would only get a broken arm if he did cause these two man were strong as hell.
Sero watched as his friend was taken away looking up at his father. "Vex's....you....you fu....ing....." He fell onto the floor passing out.
His farther left him as the door was closed and locked behind him leaving sero in the small home/bedroom by himself.

Sero groaned as he slowly opened his eyes burry vison was all that he was met with.
He tapped his sides as he pulled his phone from his pocket slowly checking the time. "Midnight...." He muttered.
All Sero could think about was the fact that he stuck out of the lab was the thing that got him into trouble and his friend was pulled away from him.
He looked at the wall as his hand couldn't hold his phone up anymore as it fell onto the floor face down.

(15 minutes later)
Sero sat up off the floor pulling himself onto the nearby couch as he started coughing. "Fucking idiot...." He sat up head spinning as he thought about his gang that he had just been with a few hours ago.
He knew he couldn't go back, not right now at least. He would wait some time before doing that again.
For now he just waited as he knew that at some point either he would be greeted by his mother at the door or asleep by the time his friend would be released by his father.

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