Names and new faces

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The group was sitting in a hidden room of a bar as Sero knew some people and had this room hidden and made just for the lighting blots.
Sero sat at a desk as he read through some papers.
Kira was sitting with Mei over at a booth table in the corner.

Saki looked at the group as she nodded. "I will now be known as the bomb villain bomber!"
Sero looked at her as he placed a mask over his mouth closing his eyes. "I like that, Bomber is a good name."
Mei smiled. "Dusty it is than!"
Gunner rubbed at his hands as he put them together. "I will always be known as Gunner even if I have a name." He looked at them. "I am not ready to say my actual one to you just yet...I am deeply sorry, I just have a lot in my back pocket."
Sero looked at him. "It's fine Gunner we all have our pasts, but we are going to need names." He looked over at Kira. "I think Kira is ready to tell us her new code name."
Kira smiled. "BeeBug!" She started laughing as Dusty had turned into dust flying around her.
Sero nodded. "You all know my name even if you never have heard it. The hidden figure of the night Ghost."

Sero nodded again. "Now that we have code names why don't we think about where we're going to attack first."
Gunner looked over at him. "That sounds like a good idea Ghost."
Ghost looked at his new group of strange and smart new group of friends.
Gunner looked over at Bomber. "You alright over there? You went quiet after we told each other our code names."
Bomber looked at Gunner. "I'm fine. I just couldn't stop thinking about his dead ass on a stick."
Dusty and BeeBug weren't paying much attention to the older group members at the moment as they were playing with each other.
Bomber looked at Gunner and Ghost. "We should get out of earshot of the little ones."
Ghost nodded. "Good idea."

(After moving into the bar half of the hideout)
Ghost, Bomber and Gunner all sat at the bar looking at the bartender as he was making drinks for them.
Ghost knew he wasn't old enough yet, but knowing that he held a gun at the moment towards the bartender would make him think otherwise of making a move.

The 3 were talking about plans and how they were the leaders of the gang and Mei and Kira were backup if needed as they were less trained in the ways of what they really wanted to do as this gang.
They spoke about life and what was going to happen for the next few days as Sero had to return home this evening to meet up with his parents.

(After the hangout)
Sero slowly walked out of the bar a little dizzy, but alive as he walked towards his motorcycle.
He got on and turned it on getting his black helmet on as he flicked the safety over his eyes.
He pushed off the ground driving off.

(Back at home)
Sero drove into the home's garage as he sighed knowing his parents lived in a laboratory because of their lives work being so important not to even to be able to have their own house away from the laboratory.
Sero sighed as he did have friends here. He was friends with almost all of the test subjects and another people at the laboratory, he knew a few to well as he was part of the family business.
Sero walked towards a doorway as he pulled it open going inside walking through the maze of hallways opening about the sixth door as he smiled. "Finally." He closed and locked the door behind himself. "I'm home!" He yelled out.
Some crashes came from another part of the small apartment like room.
Sero started laughing. "Hey Umm? You okay?"
A voice came from the small kitchen area as Sero walked into the room. "Yes?" The smaller less skilled roommate of Sero's looked up at him from the floor as he held two pots in his hands.
Sero started laughing his ass off. "Subject 17."
Subject 17 looked up at Sero. "Would you use my real name? Or is that against the rules even in here?"
Sero sighed. "I don't know, I mean my parents always want to watch me cause they think I'm going to backstab them someday. But maybe. I don't know, when we're outside our room I guess not, but fine, Denki get your ass off the floor at least." He put his hand out to the blonde teenager on the floor.
Denki grabbed Sero's hand getting up as he pulled a bit on Sero's hand.
Sero pulled him up and into a hug looking deeply into his eyes. "Hi."
Denki blushed. "Ahhhh!! No! Not again Sero!"
Sero let him go as he walked out of the room back into the first room as it was a living area with a small couch and TV set up.
Denki followed him. "You know I wish you would let me out more."
Sero looked at Denki. "You know my parents would kill your if you escaped right, so no I'm not risking it Denki. I'm still trying to get over what I did all those years ago to you."
Denki walked over to him putting his hand on his shoulder. "Sero I know you weren't in control it was your parents who made you do it and now I just have to deal with it because I have no one to go back to."
Sero looked at Denki putting a hand on cheek. Denki leaned into the hand.
Sero smiled. "I'm glad they didn't kill you yet."
Denki looked at Sero. "But I am one of the test subjects for their little games." He sighed as he moved away from Sero to sit down on the couch putting his hands together.
Sero looked at his only close, close friend in this hellhole as he stood there. "I will get us both fully out of here soon, but you know they have their ways."
Denki looked at him. "And you have you side hustle to deal with."

Sero walked over sitting down beside kaminari. "I'm sorry. Again, I really am for the last few years...if only I hadn't been told to go there you would have been with your family but instead your stuck here as a lab rat like myself."
Denki patted Sero on the head. "I'm fine....just a lot of things to work on." He looked at his arms as he could see the scars of all of the needles and injections that he had been subjected to ever since Sero 10 years ago had brought him to the laboratory.
Sero could see it to as he looked over, but he knew that if he took off his hoodie now his arms would be covered in just the same kind of scaring, but worse as he was the son of the second most worse villains in the world. The only villain he had met and survived was the villain All For One.

Sero and Denki ended up sitting quietly with each other just not saying anything as the small clock above the TV was ticking slowly and quietly.
It was only a matter of time before someone would knock on the door and drag Kaminari away from Sero.
Denki looked up at the clock reading it slowly. "It's almost 11pm."
Sero looked at him. "I know...I'm worried about that. They almost killed you last time though. I can't watch this again."
Denki looked at sero grabbing his hands. "Sero calm down! I'm not going to let them kill me! But I'm not fighting for freedom anymore as I don't think there's anyway out. So I'm going to still fight to stay alive. But I can't stop them! There's to many of us here other than me! If I act up somebody else may get hurt!"
Sero looked at Denki. "I'm sorry! I can't...I'm not able to calm down! Not this time! Not after what we have been through!"
Denki looked at him. "You need to listen to them! We can't leave! We're stuck in this room! We have a freaking time to be in bed! I'm sorry! But you can't freak out anymore then I am!"
The two boys went quiet as the door opened.

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