Chapter four: Daisies

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The cops came but nobody ever looked for me. I don't know if I was more grateful or disappointed in our legal system, we'll say it's equal.
I moved in with Cole that week, sneaking in through the window with him a few times to grab some things from my room before I got to say that I'll never live in that house again.
His parents never questioned anything either, I could tell that they didn't want to push me since the whole dead dad thing kind of fucked me up, more than I already was.

Since I already practically lived at Cole's house it wasn't a big transition for anyone.

Things were great for years, I became really close with all the members from my show, especially Milo. He was the same age as me, and I had just turned eleven.
I was still living at Cole's house, but now I was spending my afternoons off set playing video games at Milo's house with his sister. We always invited Cole but he never wanted to come.
Everyday on set we would sneak into our co-stars room, Brandon, and steal the snacks he had been given from the set caterer.

5 months after my 11th birthday Milo said he wanted to be boyfriend and girlfriend, while we were practicing lines in this huge Gazebo we had in the middle of our town.

"I think our characters are in love with each other" he said.

"I think that's the only reason they made my character in the first place"

"Why do you think that?" asked Milo.

"Well think about it, as scared as she is in any given situation, her first instinct is to protect Jess. She's able to become strong just so that he doesn't have to. I think Rose was made to be Jess's protector but everyone knows they care about each other in a different way then just that"

"Even though they're just kids?" he questioned.

"I don't really think that matters, you feel what you feel without age playing a factor, feelings don't care about your age"



"My feelings don't care about our age, I like you alot and I really want you to be my girlfriend"

I knew I liked Milo when he started calling me in the mornings and at night time just to say good morning and good night. He was so caring for an eleven year old.

I said yes.

Now keep in mind that we were eleven so our version of dating was going mini golfing and him begging his mom to buy me daisies from the grocery store every time they went. We also did the occasional ice cream and movie dates or went to the park if we weren't hiding out in his room.

Weeks of this eventually turned into months which turned into years and ended up switching from mini golf to the mall and ice cream movie dates to getting dropped off at the drive-ins.

He also started buying me daisies himself.

Before we knew it we were 14 years old.

We were right about our characters too, as Milo and I fell in love, so did Jess and Rose.

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