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Turner and I sat on his back porch, he had driven me to his house. He didn't lead me inside right away, we to the side of his house through his fence gate.
"Want a cigarette?" Turner said pulling a pack of Camel out of his back pocket.
"You know how bad those things are for you?" I said pulling the pack out of his hands.
"Hey! Give them back." He said while reaching for them.
"Fine." I gave him the pack back and he snatched them out of my hands. He carefully grabbed 2 out and put the cigarettes in his back pocket, after he digged in his front pocket and pulled out a lighter.
"You sure you don't want one, they'll help you." He waved it in my face and finally I gave in and grabbed it out of his hand.
"Help me with what exactly?" I asked while i put the cigarette in my mouth and he put the lighter in front of it. The flame lit up and I took a beep breath in.
"You know everything." Turner was lighting his while looking straight ahead.
"Why did you take me here Turner."
"If i didn't think something was genuinely wrong I would have kicked you out. But, I know when something's wrong. And I can tell you're broken.
"Broken?" I said while blowing out smoke.
"Yes Broken, Y/n you are hurt, your heart is broken."
"No it's not.." Turner was out of his mind but was he wrong? What if something was wrong with me, am I broken?
"Look me in the eyes."
I turned and looked at him.
"Your eyes, they aren't normal they're the eyes of someone who's hurt."
"How exactly do you know all of this?" I questioned his assumption about me, because I was interested about what he said.
"I grew up with an abusive dad, my mother's eyes looked just like yours. She got the worse of it and then her hurt got taken out on me."
"I'm sorry... I didn't know your dad was-"
"He's not my dad anymore he died when i was 13."
"I didn't know this?" Turners real dad was dead? How did I not know.
"No one does."
"I'm so sorry." I said and put my hand on his knee.
"Don't be, look at my mom now she's all healed." He put his hand on top of mine.
"We really shouldn't-" I said and snatched my hand away.
"Yeah.." Turner looked off into the distance and blew smoke while going down to lay on his back...

New girl ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  (oliver otto + y/n)Where stories live. Discover now