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Oliver looks at me and rolls off the couch. I quickly click my bra back and look up. My dads mouth was wide open and he was walking towards me.
"Y/n wait till your mom hears about this. Get this boy OUT of our house."
I look at Oliver his shirt is already back on, I look at him and nod my head towards the door. He gets up and runs out and I get my shirt back on.
"Who the fuck is that boy."
"The one I went to homecoming with dad."
"If I knew homecoming involved sex I would not have bought you that dress."
"Why do you even care dad ur never around ever."
"Yes I am."
"No you're not ur never fucking here, did you know that I have all A's did you know that me and oliver where a thing. NOPE YOU NEVER DID BECAUSE UR NEVER AROUND"
I say the words and regret them instantly. I see my dads whole face go red and his arm raise so I run. I run outside to Oliver's house and pound on the door.
"HELLO?" His mom answered
"uh- is oliver home?"
I could hear him run down the steps and when he sees me he runs and hugs me, "you ok?"
"yeah I just needed to get away."
"Oliver who is this and why does she look like raccoon with her mascara everywhere"
"Mom this is y/n my girlfriend."
Girlfriend?! I cant believe he just called me that. I look at him and smile as he takes my hand and leads me inside.

New girl ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  (oliver otto + y/n)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora