Chapter 4: Twinkling Stand Off of Brutality.

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As spoken before, the Drunken Clam trio split ways from the Drunken Clam to find their families and other survivors. Quagmire tried to find his friend, Peter, and his family. Instead he found a glitched out Stewie.

Quagmire immediately tries to get him out of the glitch. “Stewie, You can get out of there. I know you can!! I’m here to help you out!” He encouraged.

The Glitched Stewie fought against it, transforming into a giant spider as his tantrum was made aware of. Due to him being a toddler, he still had tantrums. But this was justified.

Quagmire frowned as he still tried his best. He didn’t want to let him down, nor his best friend. He kept his ground. “Fight against it, Stewie! It’ll be ok, I’m right here!!” His continued encouragement towards Stewie enraged the glitch to where the Glitch made Stewie stab Quagmire through the stomach. 

But he still held on, fighting against the Glitch. Due to the record of STDs that he has, He was slightly immune to the Glitch Virus. 

He fought valiantly against Glitch Stewie and just when he began to lose hope, Stewie broke through the glitch, trembling harshly. “U..Uncle Quagmire…?” He stuttered.

Quagmire smiled brightly, running towards him and held him close. “Thank God you’re ok!!” He began to tear up. “Listen, I know you just came out of the glitch, But I need you to tell me where your dad is, And I need you to find a place to get to safety..”

Stewie shook his head. “I-I can’t be alone now! Please I can’t! My family’s gone, I don’t know where Papa is and…” He started to bawl, clinging tighter to Quagmire. Quagmire just let him cry, comforting him and holding him closer. “Poor kid…Don’t worry, I’ll find Peter…We’ll return him to you..Just find any of your friends and get them to safety.”

Stewie nodded. “Ok…I will…Please be safe..Don’t get caught..” Quagmire smiled and nodded. “I promise, Stewie. Now get to safety..I love you, Kiddo.” Stewie teared up more and nodded. “I..I love you too, Uncle Quagmire..” Stewie released from his hold and used his device to teleport to safety. Quagmire sighed and immediately ran off to find Peter away from the area. 


As the Drunken Clam Trio split ways to find Survivors, Joe just so happened to run into a character that was involved with Keith, Pico, who also happened to be corrupted, at the Police station to find more ammo and other supplies. 

Joe was…less than pleased by this fact. 

And so, in typical Friday Night Funkin fashion, instead of talking it out, they sang. Eventually Darnell entered the picture to help Pico out, to which Joe got annoyed with. 

It got to the point where Pico had shown that he was too far gone, so they decided to shoot one another, Pico for corrupting him, Joe for escaping. 

Joe did escape, but not before getting shot in the eye by Pico. He decided to find his family, and then..the airport. 


After the gang splits up, Cleveland, while walking through the city, by chance comes across a shotgun and he encounters 2 familiar faces who turned out to be Bruce and Jeffrey, Bruce's husband. Cleveland, hating to be in this situation, decided to see if they could possibly be saved. 

But to no avail. 

Cleveland, although reluctantly, decided to shoot the both of them repeatedly, whispering ‘I’m sorry’ to the couple. Only for a moment did he hear a small and hoarse ‘thank you..’ for Bruce. Cleveland, as he was about to leave, hears a small cry coming from inside a nearby house. Bruce’s house. He went inside to figure out the crying. 

It was their daughter. 

Cleveland immediately held her in his arms and comforted her, smiling sadly. “Don’t worry…I’ll take care of you until this all blows over…” He spoke softly to her, as she fell asleep. 

Cleveland took a deep breath. “Now to find everyone else in my family.” He spoke to himself as he walked away, trying to find his wife, daughter and sons.

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