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Peter's POV:

'How did it come to this....?'

I got up from the ground, staring at the rubble around me. I felt my sanity slipping from me with each second passing by. I tried to walk around, seeing if I could find my friends or Rallo. I tried calling out for them.

"Cleveland? Joe?...Quagmire..? Where are you...?"

I didn't hear anyone's voices, only for a minute. Until suddenly, I heard a voice from behind me.

"Hey Peter...."

I wanted to look at him, to feel the relief of seeing my friend. But something felt....Wrong when I heard his voice. It sounded like him, but the tone...I couldn't describe it. It was too calm. It made me sick to my stomach. I kept looking away, to the ground.

"You're not him.."

"What makes you say that...?"

I decided against my better judgment and turned around. What I saw..It hurt my soul. I didn't want to believe it. I wanted it to just be a bad dream. But what I saw...I had to believe was real. The reality hit me like a train. All I wanted to do was wake up.

'Wake up...Wake up, you idiot, WAKE UP!!!!'

But no matter what....I couldn't. I just stared at him, tears falling from my eyes.

'Goddamnit......Just let me wake up...'

||Darkness Takeover||A Pibby Corruption Family Guy fanfiction|| (On Hiatus)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ