You don't care about what I want, it's like you said, you are just manipulating me for your own benefit.

You want me to want what you want, forcing your beliefs and way of life onto me.

So pray tell, how is that any better than us Humans that you look down on for being selfish in their ways and hurting everyone else for them?>

Araba: <I am a Dragon, I->

Interu: <So what?!

Oh look at me, I am a descendent of Gods.

I am automatically better and more deserving of a life well lived than mere Mortals that came about by complete chance.

I am always right because I am born superior.

That's you, that's what you sound like!

You are just a racist asshole, not different from the Humans you hate for dividing themselves up arbitrarily over gender, sexuality, race and whatever excuse they can think of to hate each other over so they can be terrible to them without feeling guilty!

Including turning a blind eye to their suffering!>

Araba: <I am nothing like them!>

Interu: <If you are truly better than us, you would dedicate yourself to achieving peace and prosperity for all sentient beings!

As a truly good person should, to not just rise above the nonsense, but to help others do so too!

But you don't even bother, we can all die miserable deaths for all you care!

How is that being morally superior, huh?!

Tell me!>

Araba: <...>

Interu: <...You can't, can you?

Stroking your ego is all you really care about. think that I actually wanted to look up to you as someone better than all this bullshit.

But I kept turning a blind eye to who you really are because I desperately wanted a proper parental figure in my life.

A glimmer of you caring for me and I latched on like a lost puppy.

I learned my lesson alright, I can confirm that there is no turning to you for affection or inspiration of a hero, just expectation and disappointment of the average Human.

...Fuck! Why am I wasting my time here!?>

Araba: (Then she dashed off into town.


Author's Notes:

So basically, Araba's arc is about learning to get along with Humans as equals, initially out of pride, but then genuinely caring about them, mirroring what Guliedstodiez went through.

As for Interu, being parentless made her see Araba in rose-tinted glass when he won her over with his help against the Demon Lord and defiant attitude against D.

But the reality is that for many of us, the parents we love and look up to are not good people.

Also, articulating what I am trying to get across is so hard, like I know what I am trying to say but I don't know if my words are conveying my points well enough from the perspective of someone else.

Which I guess is a common cause for misunderstandings in the real world.

It's honestly unrealistic for characters in stories to get their points across so perfectly, as real conversations are clumsy and spontaneous, and my style of writing is just that, clumsy and spontaneous, which just frustrates me to no end when I look back on it.

I honestly just rather rely on people getting what I am trying to say and filling in the blanks, as I struggle to find the motivation to explain things in detail, kind of like Shiro in canon with how she only speaks key words to get her point across.

And I just realise why this character resonates so much with me.

There is a lot more I want to say and do, but then I fail to see why I should when the effort needed to do so is just too much, which is how I interpret Shiro's character in my story in a nutshell, I think?

Lots of ambition, but only enough motivation to do the bare minimum, so you just can't be bothered to try, but then your ego criticises you for being lazy and pathetic, a catch-22.

There is more but I really need to stop, well, want to stop but not really-stop!

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