13- A Grand Announcement

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Word count- 3112 

The bright noon sun on the screen lit up the darkened room. The flames gave the gray walls a new reddish-orange hue as they flickered across the hologram. The remains of the Underground were now smoldering ash. It was unnerving. We would have been caught in the flames if we hadn't gotten out on time.

Zero instantly ordered everyone not to say a word. Watching as the enemy had all of Haven's attention on him.

Oblivion's smooth voice echoed out of all the devices that were playing the live broadcast. "Good afternoon citizens of Haven. I am a man of many names, but for now please call me Oblivion," He introduced himself, no doubt that a sinister smile was hiding behind his mask.

"I have come here to make a statement," He declared as he started pointing at the mess behind him. "As you can see behind me is sector ten. Last night my followers and I took over the dangerous Underground— that your government has kept going alive since the beginning of last year— and destroyed it. I know that my actions might make me appear like a Rogue, but fear not. I am here to make a change." He continued his declaration.

Was this some kind of sick joke? Yeah, he destroyed the place, but not for those reasons! How convenient of him to leave that part out. I grumbled to myself.

"Are you tired of being held back from your true potential? From being able to use your core freely? Does it seem unfair that those in power can use theirs but you cannot? I will be the one to make that change" He spoke confidently, letting his posture match his words. Continually walking back and forth in the air on the invisible platform he had given himself.

Unease continued to wash over me. These were some things that I had personally thought about from time to time. It was dangerous Rogue-like thinking. Something that might be up my brother's alley. The unnerving thought popped back into my head of the fact that Oblivion might have been telling the truth about my brother joining him.

Who's to say that Brennen was even kidnapped at all? He's lied about being an Underground participant. He's unnecessarily aggressive and a bit of a narcissist, but he's still my brother. He wouldn't really go rogue like that, would he? My thoughts spiraled, the only thing snapping me out of it was the maniac that was still monologuing on the screen.

"I am going to enter the Sky Climb tournament and win. I'll use my wish to build up a new city—one where all cores are welcome. One where ridiculous rules will not hold us down. A city where cores aren't restricted on when and where they can be used. Haven's Clan leaders and other government entities can, so why shouldn't we be allowed to?" Oblivion questioned. An image of a new and improved version of our city was being cast behind him, showing off his 'plan'. The Sky Climb... oh. Why didn't I see that coming? My mind kept on spinning. Foul memories of the event plagued my mind. It's been thirteen years, just let me forget it already. That's what I'd wish. I thought, fighting to keep the recurring nightmares from creeping back into my head.

"Come and join me as we make history and create the first true utopia of the New World. We will make a resistance and under my guidance, we will rid ourselves of this oppression" He reassured his viewers. A cheer could be faintly heard in the background. No doubt that the army he had been forming was rapidly growing.

What he was talking about was a lofty ideal. An unreachable dream. Did I long for the utopia Oblivion spoke of? Yes, yes I did. I would have loved nothing more to live with my family in peace, but that is not how the world works. That isn't how people work. Especially when lying snakes like him are the ones who promise it.

"There will be those who won't like this idea. Those who will call us Rogues and try to silence us. The High Council of Haven will fight back. Especially Zero and her allies, who are by far the worst offender of them all. You'd be surprised at her so-called healing methods" He revealed, stepping off the screen for a moment.

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