part 50

52 3 18

y/n: guys

y/n: i have an announcement

y/n: darry and i

y/n: are back together

darry: yes we are :)

darry: i finally got what i wanted ❤️

ponyboy: what the actual fuck

ponyboy: y/n you HATE darry

y/n: enemies to lovers babes 😘

ponyboy: idk what my life is anymore

johnny: oh!

johnny: okay!

steve: man y'all people can never make up y'alls minds fr

two-bit: OH EM GEE

two-bit: congrats!!

two-bit: i bet the sex is great! 🥰🥰

y/n: it is ;)

darry: i am not going to speak on this!

y/n: girl u ain't in an interview u can share tf

darry: okay fine

darry: it's rlly great 😊

y/n: teehee

dally: this is nasty

dally: i hate y'all

y/n: feeling's mutual!

sodapop: aw congrats! but what abt paul didn't you guys get married?

darry: no! we're over. i get to be with my beautiful, gorgeous girl and i love her with my whole heart

y/n: goddamn this man is boosting my ego fr

darry: always

steve: this is js nasty atp

y/n: y'all js hate hetero relationships

steve: "you're heterophobic" ahh response

y/n: girl i did not say that

steve: that's what it sounded like

y/n: i don't give enough of a fuck to fight with ur cake eating ass

y/n: anyway you're all invited to the wedding!

johnny: WEDDING???

ponyboy: WEDDING????


y/n: okay english class


darry: me and y/n are engaged, we got engaged yesterday around 3 pm at a lake when i got down on one knee and proposed because we're in love again!

y/n: i think u answered all of his questions

ponyboy: yup

sodapop: pony why have u been so emo recently?

ponyboy: cause

ponyboy: come on johnny let's go

johnny: where?

ponyboy: let's just go

johnny: but what if i wanna stay?

ponyboy: UGHHHH fine we'll stay

johnny: no it's fine let's leave

ponyboy: okay. bye.

just watched the outsiders. again. for the millionth time. this is so boring but i had no ideas. k see ya.

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