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"And we promise that it will never happen again."

"Never, ever."

"Never ever again for as long as we live in this house."

"That's a promise."

"I swear."

"Swear on my dogs life."

"I swear on my own life."

"I swear on her life."

"And I swear on hers!"

"Enough! I've heard, you're both sorry." I cut into my roommates' hyberbolic attempt at an apology.

"Could you just give me a heads up next time? Or do us all a favour and take it somewhere else? Some of us could do without the mess."

"Noted!" exclaimed Casey, while Sasha still seemed to be reeling from the after effects of her hangover, "Besides, the party was trash anyway. It's nowhere near as fun being hosts. Making sure everyone's having a good time and no ones hot boxing my room."

I grimaced at the thought.

"And how were things with Jacob? I saw you head upstairs," Sasha chuckled drearily, taking the ice pack off her head, "He is such a gentleman."

"What makes you say that?" Considering how he had behaved last night and that I'd still not heard from his since, gentleman was the last word I'd use to describe Jacob.

She shook her head, "Well he's always around here, spending time with you. Quite progressive for a boy in our day and age wouldn't you say."

"No I would not say. I just think your standards are ridiculously low." Casey remarked.

I nodded in agreement, "Affirmative. Anyway. Nothing happened. I just needed some time out. Which is exactly why I say no more impromptu parties please."

The sheepish look on their face was everything I needed to see, "But I do appreciate the efforts you both went to, to tidy up before I got back. So thank you."

Casey came round to get a closer look at my face. Her blond curtains of hair cupping her face, "Is everything okay?"

I frowned in confusion, "Yeah. Why?"

She straightened up, "You're back early. How were things at the library?"

I thought back to the disaster that was mine and Luke's teamwork. Could I even call it teamwork at this point? I was doing the talking and he was doing the escaping. We really needed to work on talking for longer than 10 minutes before he had to bolt.

"Fine." I smiled, "I'm gonna work here for the rest of the day. It's cold out today."

And with that I grabbed my things and headed into my room, closing the door shut behind me.

Hours had passed when I opened my eyes, realising that I'd somehow fallen asleep amongst the notes strewn across my bed. I blinked into reality. What time was it?

I grabbed my phone from the table at the side of my bed, squirming at the bright light. It was 16:12.

I jumped in fright.

My shift at the café started over 10 minutes ago! I ran into the bathroom to freshen up and dashed back out in record time. Luckily I was already wearing presentable clothes. I ran my fingers through my hair and stole a glance at the mirror.

It would do.

I grabbed my bag, smashed out an apology email to my manager and practically ran to catch the bus.

I got there in record time. I dreaded to think of what I looked like. I felt sweaty all over, I was panting for air, my bag was slipping off my shoulder. But still, I'd made it.

I pushed open the door to the café and I-


His eyes whipped round to find mine, boring back into his. I looked down at the apron he was wearing, the tray of glasses in his hand, the notebook poking out from his pocket.

"What-what, why are you here?"

I followed him behind the counter, "Jacob, speak."

He sighed, "Where have you been? I came here before your shift started so that we could talk. When you didnt show up I got worried."

I raised an eyebrow, "Worried? I didnt get a single call or text from you."

He pointed to the apron, "I figured I'd save you from getting fired instead. I explained things to your manager."

"What did you say?"

"That you'd got caught up at school. And that I'd take over for today."

I nodded, "Thanks. But, I mean, I would've rather you reached out to me first. What if I'd just decided to take the day off? You would've been wasting your time."

"Since when does my girlfriend take days off work? Anyway, that's why I spoke to your manager first. He told me he was expecting you and, well, so was i. I'm glad you're here."

I gave him a sheepish smile, "Sorry. I overslept. I've had a lot to do recently."

He nodded, "I know."

"But I can take over from you now. Thanks again."

I signalled for him to hand over the apron, but he wasn't letting up. He tilted his head at me, "Don't I get something first?"

I looked around, "Jacob, this is where I work, I'd rather not."

He shrugged, "So? Just a kiss?"

'"It's never just a kiss with you," is what I had meant to keep inside my head, but somehow the words had come alive and I couldn't take it back.

The look on his face was seething, "I'm sorry, Jacob. I didn't mean to say that. I just, I'd rather not do that here. Its my place of work."

I stole another look at him from under my eyelashes. If I looked at him directly, I feared I'd get burnt from his glare alone. Jacob took off the apron in what felt like slow motion.

My eyes were deceiving me.

"I think you meant every word of what you just said, Louise. So, what? Is that how you see me now? Like some wild predator who can't even control himself to stop at a kiss."

He shook his head, taking a stop closer to me, "You know, you should really get off your high horse Louise. Do you think you're that irresistible? Do you think I want you that much? You have no idea how lucky you've got it. I'm here, doing the most, giving you my full attention and you always throw it back in my face. You think any of the other guys at our school would give you even half of the respect that I've shown you? No. Well, dont expect it to last for much longer."

Still reeling from his words, I found the energy to push him further, "And whats that supposed to mean?"

My words came out weak and trembling, just as small as he'd made me feel. I winced in pain when threw the apron at me.

"Have a good shift."

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