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I snapped closed the lid of my laptop and began packing away my things. 

My concentration during the lecture had been at an all time low and that was because I'd spotted Luke amongst the sea of students. I hadn't noticed him before, but then again the new wave of lessons had only just begun. This term was focused on Art History and I couldn't help but let my eyes wander round the room out of boredom.

It was then I'd spotted him.

I looked across the theatre. 

2nd row from the back on the opposite side to where I had been sat. His arms folded over his black hoodie, rubbing his chin, forehead creased. He looked just as perplexed as I was.

That could be a good conversation starter.

When the hour was over, I assumed he'd be up out of his seat in a flash, but to my surprise I couldn't have been more wrong. I caught myself staring at the meticulous way in which he put away his things. Slowly and carefully, like he couldn't afford to misplace anything. 

I was rapped to say the least.

He straightened himself out of his seat as the room began to empty and I found the courage to approach him.

"Luke, hey! We meet again." My lips lifted into a smile, wondering if he would be as confusing to talk to as he was last week.

It seemingly took a moment for him to register who was talking to him. His eyes squinted at me like he had put up all his defences, then I noticed how his face softened afterwards.

"Oh, Louise." he slung his bag up his shoulder.

Don't sound too excited.

"Well, I guess it was bound to happen."

"I suppose."

"Yep. So," I cleared my throat, "What did you think of Western Art History today?"

He drew in a breath, "I didn't think much."

I nodded, "Right. Me neither."

He averted my gaze, "Did you have something to say? Because I have somewhere I need to be."

"Just about the art project? I know you didnt have time to talk last week, but I was hoping you were free this week?"

I raised my eyebrows in anticipation. A lot had happened since then. My ideas had spiralled and before I got pulled down the art rabbit hole, I needed to offload.

"So? Are you available?" I was practically pleading at this point. Did he not understand how much we had to do?

He hesitated, his gaze flickering away, "I dont know."

I frowned, keeping the frustration out of my voice, "What does that mean?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I'm busy."

"Doing?" I pressed. What could be more important right now than his degree?

The hand gripping his bag strap tightened and I met his gaze, which had grown intense by the second. He didn't look at all happy.

"Louise, I told you I'd email in a few weeks. We still have ages. So could you leave me alone?"

I felt a pang of hurt at his words. "I just thought..."

"Look, I have to go," he cut me off, brushing past me without a backward glance.

Why did I get the feeling that he was going out of his way to avoid this?

I spent the rest of my afternoon at the library, reading up on Western Art History and trying to understand the concepts. I was struggling to wrap my head around the most of it, but with snacks on cue, I was able to invest some time. The hours went by and I was craving some rest. I didn't want to see or talk to anyone. Just curl up on my bed with my sketchbook in hand.

I messaged my roommates to ask if anyone was around: I'd left my key at home. It didn't take me very long to realise why they hadn't replied. I could hear the booming music from streets away. My heart sank as my suspicions were confirmed.

"A party?! You didn't even ask me first?" I hit my roommate Casey on the shoulder.

She pulled me into a hug, dragging me into our crowed kitchen and handing me a drink, "LETS HAVE SOME FUN."

I made eye contact with my other roommate Sasha from across the room and she looked just as trashed as Casey, waving frantically as though they'd been expecting me.

I grabbed Casey and bent down to yell in her ear, "GET EVERYONE OUT. NOW."

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT." She had the goofiest smile on her face.


"WHAT? NO! IT'S JUST BEGUN," she grabbed her drink - if it was even hers - and disappeared into the crowd of people.

I spent the next half hour wiping up spills, attempting to kick people out, shielding my ears from the defending noise and trying to seek respite.

Mission impossible.

As i made my way towards the living room, I felt a strong pair of arms wrap round my waist and hold on tight. 

I tried to wriggle free, "Jacob, I'm not in the mood."

I turned round to look at him: he didn't look as gone as my roommates did. I assumed he had just gotten here. He had a varsity jacket on and beanie and I fought the urge to put his arms back round me, especially when he was looking as cute as he was.

No. I was mad right now.

"Tell me something new."

I folded my arms tightly, "Did you know about this party?"

"Only half the street. Wait, don't tell me you didn't? Jeez Louise, you've really gotta stop switching off your phone when you wanna study."

"It's called concentration."

He shook his head, "If you say so."

A bunch of boys who I assumed were his friends came over, giving him fist bumps, high fives and what not. It was all beyond me.

"What?" Jacob said once they'd gone, an amused look on his face.

"Nothing. I'd just rather be anywhere but here. The place is a mess and I don't know anyone. I'm freaked out."

His face became clouded with an unreadable look, seemingly concucting a ludicrous idea in that head of his. Suddenly he grabbed my hand.


I nodded with an air of suspicion. He led the way, pushing past the swarms of people and closed the door behind me in my room.

"Thank goodness no one came in here. I should really invest in a lock."

I jumped on my bed, fully prepared to doze off despite the blaring music seeping through the walls. My eyes fluttered closed. I could feel Jacobs weight on the bed next to me. I could feel his hands on my cheek.

"Mm. You're being suspiciously soft."

"Am I not allowed to be?"

"Of course you are. I'm just wondering why."

"You looked stressed before. I'm trying to ease your stress."

"Well I appreciate that."

"You look so gorgeous right now."

My cheeks were growing warmer by the second. I opened my eyes and found that we were only a breath away. Before I knew it his lips were on mine and his hands were all over the place. I put my hands on his chest, "Jacob."

His face was telling me all I needed to know: I'd ruined things again.

He sat up, "I can't read you, Louise. Do you not like me? Is that it?"

I scrunched up my face in confusion. Why did we always end up like this? Going round in circles. I was fed up.

"You know what? Don't answer that." He slid off the bed, "Have fun here on your own."

This time when I heard the door slam shut, I was glad to see the back of him.

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