53. Shadows of Memories

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I sat by the window, the soft glow of the streetlights casting long shadows across the room. As usual I was lost in the labyrinth of my memories. The events of that fateful night played over and over again in my mind, each detail etched into my consciousness like a scar.

I could still feel the chill of the air, the dampness of the ground beneath me as i stumbled through the darkness. The sound of my own ragged breaths echoed in my ears, a constant reminder of the crime that i has committed.

Closing my eyes, i tried to push the memories away, to bury them deep within the recesses of my mind. But they were relentless, clawing their way back to the surface with a ferocity that left me breathless.

I  could hear her screams, my own voice mingling with the cries of her, a cacophony of terror that seemed to reverberate through my very soul. And then there was the silence, the deafening stillness that followed in the wake of the chaos.

I could never forget that fateful night. Wish I never said yes for that mission. I wish I could apologize to her. I wish so many things but I can't do anything. I destroyed an innocent soul and regret it so badly. And my punishment is that I will present rest of life like a loner. Maybe that's why God took everything from me.

The revenge is the only thing that pushes me to wake up every morning. Gives me a reason to live but after my revenge I will be nothing. I will just be a shell of the person I used to be.

Slowly, i opened my eyes, my gaze falling upon the photograph on the mantle. It was a picture of happier times, a moment frozen in time when the shadows of the past had yet to darken their lives.

But even as i stared at the smiling faces staring back at me. I couldn't escape the truth that lay buried beneath the facade. The scars may have faded with time, but the pain remained, a constant companion that refused to be ignored.

Taking a deep breath, i rose from my seat and decided to make a drink. Maybe being drunk can stop this chaos in my mind and give me some peace at least for sometime.

As I sipped my fourth drink, the doorbell rang, but I chose to ignore it. With staff around to handle such interruptions, I wasn't in the mood for company and had already instructed them not to disturb me. They understood my directive well and wouldn't dare to disobey.

As I savored the tranquility with closed eyes, the serenity was shattered by a sudden commotion—a heated argument, punctuated by a woman's angry shouts. Irritated by the disruption and feeling let down by my ineffective bodyguard, I resolved to intervene personally. It was clear I needed to address the situation myself.

I angrily stomped out of my bedroom.
When I reached the hall I saw a woman standing in the middle of the room and arguing with my personal bodyguard. She seems very angry and displeased.

Her figure is slender, yet exudes a quiet strength. Cascading waves of brunette hair spill over her shoulders. There is an air of mystery about her, an aura that hints at depths unseen, secrets untold. She is a woman of purpose, her presence captivating even from behind.

"How can I help you miss?" I asked. She turns around her dark brown eyes glaring at me.
"So finally 'His Highness' decided to shower me with his presence" she mocked me.

I chuckled at her audacity, observing my intimidated bodyguard who respectfully bowed his head. Signaling for him to depart, I made a mental note to address his behavior later. For now, it was imperative to confront the woman who dared to disrespect and disturb me.

"How can I help you Ms. Gabriella?"

"So you do know me?" She asks in amusement.

"It's difficult to forget such beautiful woman "

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