54. Truth Tales

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In a dimly lit restaurant I sits slumped on the chair, surrounded by stacks of files and empty coffee cups. My usually sharp eyes are dulled with exhaustion, and the lines of fatigue etched into my face that tells a story of sleepless nights and endless frustration. Despite my relentless efforts, i hasn't been able to crack the mystery of the elusive murderer. Each dead end weighs heavily on my shoulders, and the weight of my failure hangs thick in the air around me.

I feel like a total failure. I can't believe that someone like me who runs a multi billion company is not able to solve a simple mystery. I feel like I am not suitable to run the cartel.

"Ma'am what's your next step?" the person sitting across me spoke breaking my chains of thoughts.

As i stares blankly at the  file , my mind races with unanswered questions and unresolved clues.

I really don't know what to do next. It's a dead end again. Whenever I feel like a found the murderer it's then I realized that it's another dead end. I have been working tirelessly for past 5 days just to find the murderer of my father but I always end up with nothing in my hand.

I think there is someone who is trying to protect the murderer or the mastermind behind it. And that person is very close to me. Someone I know very well who is keeping an eye on me 24/7. That's why I appointed one of the best detective to investigate this matter. But again this is an dead end.

Lost in a labyrinth of uncertainty, I find myself racing against time without a clear destination in sight. The urgency of apprehending the murderer looms over me, a relentless shadow that threatens to slip from my grasp permanently if I do not act swiftly. Each passing moment feels like precious sand slipping through my fingers, pushing me to navigate the maze of clues and leads with increasing desperation.

"Nothing " I replied and stood up to leave
"Nothing?" He seems confused and I don't blame him for that.
"For now keep a low profile and don't contact me at any cost" I said and turned around to leave.

This is not working out I need another plan. And I need to be very quick. I am running out of time. I need someone who has resources and is willing to help me. Someone very powerful with dangerous connections.

I have decided rather than chasing the murderer, I resolved to take a stance of defiance, choosing to wait for them to come to me instead. This shift in strategy was not born of fear or resignation, but rather of a steely resolve to confront the danger head-on, on my own terms.

It was a calculated gamble, one that would test my courage and resilience in the face of imminent peril. As I settled into this newfound resolve, a sense of anticipation tinged with apprehension settled over me, knowing that the impending confrontation would determine the course of my fate.

Rubbing my temples wearily, I feel the weight of exhaustion settling into my bones, a relentless burden that weighs me down with each passing moment.

I summon a cab to ferry me back to the sanctuary of my hotel. The journey is a blur of city lights and distant chatter, the rhythmic hum of the engine lulling me into a state of numb detachment. As I finally reach the familiar confines of my temporary refuge, I exhale a sigh of relief, grateful for the respite that awaits me within its walls.

As i inserts the keycard into the slot, the soft click of the door unlocking reverberates through the corridor, signaling my arrival at the sanctuary of my hotel room. With a mixture of weariness and anticipation, i pushes the door open, expecting nothing more than the comforting solitude that awaits within. However, as i steps over the threshold, my heart skips a beat, and my footsteps falter.

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