'He hide about his marriage and kids too.' Bogum mumbled she nod head furrowing then smile widely.

'You are so stupid Bogum of course he will hide his personal life cause of the media.' She said and walked towards parking lot whistling and singing.

'Why he dated with Jaewoon and Yuri if he have his wife and kids already.' He asked to himself confusedly nd sighed

'Maybe they spread rumour about his dating.' Bogum mumbled and left in thought.

..... Balcony .....

'What's my baby thinking?' Jk asked in whispered while hugging him behind and peck on his cheeks.

Tae smile and lean back on his chest while admiring the night view from the balcony.

'Kids sleep.' Tae mumbled jk hummed in reply and kept his chin on shoulder playing with tae's hand he smile softly

'There's everyone working and have a dream to accomplished with studying.'
Tae mumbled smile crept on jk's lip.

'What bout you? Do you have dream?' Jk mumbled pulling him more closer he looks into sky sadly and closed his eyes.

'I had a dream. I was all set and ready to start my journey towards my goal.

But everything is scattered infront of my eyes. I thought to try again but my family kept me in deceived.

I don't know why they do that. What's makes them hate me so much. I didn't run away with someone I married to the person whome they choose and I decided to not stay with him.

Maybe I get punished for never raise voice against them and thought they will understand me one day but no I was so wrong hyung.

They become so cruel with the time.' Tae cried and hide his face in palm.

'What's your dream?' Jk mumbled in low voice before cleared his throat.

'To open my own boutique.' Tae said in low voice between cries he hummed.

'You can start from now no one will  stop you.'  Jk whispered and peck on his earlobe he turned his face crying.

'But hyung I hav....

'Shush! Didn't I said already just do as you want, what your heart want. Don't think about us, anyone and any reason to stop yourself.' Jk said before shush him with peck who look away shyly crying too.

'Fine I will but, without your support.' Tae mumbled and looked at him who nod his head smiling widely he smile too.

'I will support you morally.' Jk said in dreamy eyes he chuckled and with a nod.

'Of course I need this support more than anything.' Tae giggles and wipe his tears.

'I will support you with everything if its needed and dare to refuse my offer I will punish you.' Jk said warn tone tae giggles and shook his head.

'You can't punish me for this.' Tae said and pushed him away playfully giggle heartily.

Jk giggles too and lift him in bridal style 'oh baby I can punish you just don't try to provoke the beast inside me.' Jk said laughing like beasts he gasped and give lot's of hits on his chest.

Jk chuckled and enjoyed his feather like touch on his hard chest and he make him lay on the bed.

'You can't I know.' Tae said with stuck tongue and hide himself with blanket jk laughed and go inside the blanket.

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