How They Text (Only the MCs) + Their Usernames

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How they say "hello":

North: NorthKoreaBestKorea: Greetings. 

South: SouthKoreaBestestKorea: Hi!

Japan: LilacDream: Hello.

Okinawa: IEatSeaGlass4Fun: Hey!

Russia: PotatoesWithSourCream:  No.

USA: StarsAndStripes: Hi.

Australia: DemonChild: Yo.

China: IEatKids: Sup.

Taiwan: TiredAsf: Whatever it is you want from me, the answer is no.

Most used emoji/emoticon:

NorthKoreaBestKorea: 🤨 and ._.

SouthKoreaBestestKorea: 😭 and :D

LilacDream: 😺 and :3

IEatSeaGlass4Fun: 🍿 and  \(˚☐˚")/

PotatoesWithSourCream: 🤣 and ( ゚Д゚)

StarsAndStripes: 🔥 and :)

DemonChild: 👍 and (O_O)

IEatKids: 😏 and >:D

TiredAsf: 🤦‍♂️ and ('v`)

Most used phrase/ writing style:

NorthKoreaBestKorea: Were you dropped on the head as a baby? (Proper grammar)

SouthKoreaBestestKorea: OMG THAT'S WILD BRUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!1!!!1111! (All caps, no commas whatsoever)

LilacDream: I-I'm concerned... (In-text stuttering and ellipses)

IEatSeaGlass4Fun: goofy (no capitalization, very blunt, three words at most unless it's serious)

PotatoesWithSourCream: H U H ? (hyperbolizes emotions)

StarsAndStripes: Nice (One word responses)

DemonChild: *screeches demonically* (writes out actions)

IEatKids: Gib feet pics (intentionally misspells words to annoy)

TiredAsf: What is wrong with you?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?! (Spams punctuation)

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