All Ships So Far

27 1 8

IJ x Joseon: Toxic bitch x the one who's actually trying to keep a stable family dynamic

Are they good parents?


Joseon: Well, besides abandoning her kids by commiting suicide, yes

Russia x North Korea or ChoRus: Misfit in Europe x misfit in Asia

Would they be good parents?

Russia: Yes

North Korea: H E     T R I E D

Okinawa x Australia or Aussinawa: Sea snake x desert snake

Would they be good parents?

They're snake parents. >:D ...but yes

Japan x Italy (Implied): Know-it-all x clueless goofball

Would they be good parents?

Japan: Accidentaly emotionally abusive (blame IJ)

Italy: Tries, but accidentally put a child in the dryer

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