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"Are you out of your mind? What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you do that?" I asked Max, feeling my soul break inside o me

"I am so sorry Nicole, I messed it up"he said

"Oh that's for sure" Kelly said angry at him

I don't understand why he would do that

he made a pact with Charles that if he agrees to try to seduce me, he will let him win the race

he accepted, won the race and lost me

am I really worth less than a race won for him?

"what can I do to make you forgive me?" he asked me, looking at me, you can see that he regrets it, but he can't joke with something like that

"Stay away from me" I said leaving the apartment with Kelly 

I'm not angry with Max as much as I'm disappointed with Charles

I don't even have words anymore 


"I don't understand, he really seemed to love you and when he came to tell me that he was going to kiss you after the race" Arthur said while doing his luggages

"I don't think so, considering that he cares more about a race than his childhood friend"

"what are you going to do now?" he asked me

good question

"I don't know, but I'm clearly not going to show him the fact that it affects me"

even if it is clear that it affects me

"are you coming to the next race?"

"do I have a choice? if Pascal and my mother hear that I'm not going, they'll realize that something happened"

I will go to the next race and pretend that nothing happened

do I want to make him regret it? may be

do i still have feelings for him? hell yeah


maximum 4 days have passed since he kissed me in front of the whole world, and now he's posting with a new girl 

maximum 4 days have passed since he kissed me in front of the whole world, and now he's posting with a new girl 

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❤️ Liked by charlottesiine, landonorris and 759k others

@charlesleclerc the most beautiful way to spend the days before the race

tagged: charlottesiine


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can you actually be for real?

I know the girl

That's fucking charlotte, they had been together for about 3 years but they broke up because they couldn't stand each other anymore

it doesn't make any sense, it's logical that he stopped the comments, what would the press say when today you kiss one and tomorrow you post another

he declared war

in fact, I can't wait to go to the race in Imola, which is in 3 days

I packed my bags and left for the airport, tomorrow is free practice 1, so I'll arrive really well 


entering the hotel I notice a familiar face, Carlos, when he saw me, he headed towards me

"déjame ayudarte con tu equipaje"   let me help you with the luggage he said, taking the two suitcases from my hands

we both went to my hotel room

entering the room, out of the corner of my eye I could see Charles looking at me and Carlos as we entered the same room

Carlos saw him too

I closed the door behind us and sat on the edge of the bed trying to think of something else so I wouldn't start crying in front of Carlos

he also sat next to me and hugged me tightly "¿Qué pasó entre ustedes dos?" what happened between you two?"

I would also like to know the same thing

"desde que regresé a Mónaco noté que había cambiado, siempre lo sentí muy cerca de mí y tenía muchos celos de ti, después de eso me besó al final de la carrera, nos acostamos juntos y luego descubrí que todo fue solo un desafío" 
since I came back to Monaco I noticed that he had changed, I always felt him very close to me and he was very jealous of you, after that he kissed me at the end of the race, we slept together and then I found out that everything was just a challenge

"Are you ok?" he asked me

"I do not know" 

"do you want revenge?" 

do I want revenge?

"what do you have in mind?" I asked

"anyway, he's jealous of me every time I'm even a meter away from you, let's get on his nerves"

"how?" I asked again

"come with me to the race" he said

"do you think this will annoy him?"   

"especially when he'll see you wearing this"  he said offering me his cap with number 55 on it

so that's what we do

the next day we entered the paddock together in front of the fans and the cameras 

I felt confident, that is until I saw Charles behind us

he was not alone, he was with Charlotte, hand in hand with her

Carlos noticed that I was looking at them, shook my hand and gave me a smile that gave me my confidence back

we went together to the garage where I stayed with Carlos while the new notions were explained to him

while I was listening, I could feel the phone buzzing in my hand, there were tons of messages 

questions upon questions, both from fans and friends and family, most were mostly about that Charles and Carlos thing

so I decided not to answer any messages

after Carlos left to prepare for free practice, I was left alone

that is until I felt a body sitting next to me 

I looked towards him thinking it was Carlos, but it wasn't him, not even a chance

"what do you want?" I asked him 

"an explanation"

"I didn't get mine either Charles, so get out of here"

he got up "as you wish" and after that he left 

there's no way it's that simple, I'm sure it's going to screw me up a lot from now on

till I gave him the explanation about me and Carlos apearing in the padock just like that

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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