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"what do you mean?' I asked him trying to escape from the question

"come on Nicole, I saw how he was looking at you when he offered you a drive"

so at least he didn't saw us dancing

"I don't really know at this hour, I am very tired"

he understand and left

this time I escaped somehow, I really hope that he will forget about it

I slept very fast

and in the next morning I woke up with a huge headache

I did a shower and got dressed with just some shorts and a hoodie because outside was raining

I went to the kitchen where I found my mom with Milo and Arthur

"good morning" I said sitting at the island table next to Milo

"I see that someone had a very nice party" Milo said smiling

"oh god Nicole" Arthur said laughing

"what?" I asked them confused

Milo gave me his phone to look at me

"the neck" he whispered and showed with his hand a part of my neck

I looked at it, and I gasped

I had a hickey on my neck

who the fuck gave it to me?

"what?" my mom said and come toward us

I put the hoodie more on my neck so she doesn't see it

"nothing, I just broke my nail"

it was Charles? no, it's imposible we just talked

or maybe...Carlos? oh fuck, yes, while we were dancing, I though he just kissed me, I was to drunk to feel it, oh my god

I run back in my dorm

 tomorrow I go with them in Greece it's imposible to keep it hidden

there will be water, and there will be no good waterproof foundation

I can't tell them know that I will not go with them in the vacation, we talk about it a lot

it's fucked up

"Nicole can I come in?" Charles yelled from behind the door

"yes" I can't hide it from him

"morning" he said while putting a plate of food on my desk

he stopped and looked at me, at my neck to be more exact

"I knew it that I saw something on your neck last night"

"yeah, can we not talk about it please?" I said


"actually I have something important to tell you" my smile was so big that I think it iluminate the whole room

he sat on my bed, I think he though that I was going to tell him that I'm pregnant or something like that because he was scared as fuck

"I'm coming with you in Greece" he got up from the bed and hugged me smiling

"for the whole week?" he asked happy

"yeees" I laughed


the day passed very fast and boring

all I did was watch a serial and talked with Arthur and Milo

but now we are in the car, in Greece, almost at the house, god it was a very long way from Monaco till here

I am in car with Lily, Francisca and Luisa while in the other car are Charles, Lando, Alex, Carlos and Pierre

Francisca is driving know, we switched at almost every country we went into because, damn, it's so hard to drive so much, I wonder how the drivers can do the 24 le mans race, it's imposible for me

we drove 22 hours

it was horrible

when we come back I will drink 7 cans of Red Bull to make sure that I will not be that tired

we arrived at the house before the boys, so we went straight to the bedrooms to choose

there is 4 bedrooms

just four, and we have 3 couples and another 3 persons

and I swear that I will not sleep with Carlos

and not even with Charles

the bed it's quite small, we would sleep one on top of the other, and this is not going to happen

but, they are lucky that we have 2 couches

one in the living room and the other in the kitchen

so they are going to be just fine 

the house it's just so beautiful and quite small, so it's perfect 

after half an hour, the boys finally arrived

they were very tired, even if they already stopped at some motel to sleep 

Carlos and I argued for the room, but Alex took him to see the biliard table, so he forgot about it 

and Charles totally understands the situation 

anyway, the first night I slept with the girls in one of the big bedrooms 

we didn't had any time to gossip or stuff like that because we were VERY tired 

Francisca and I woke up first, so we went in the kitchen and cooked some pancakes 

after the whole house woke up, we went on the terrace to eat 

me, Luisa and Lily stayed almost the whole day on the beach

we decide to not go in the water because it was a little bit cold

but then we saw Charles, Carlos, Alex and Lando run toward us 

Charles took me on his arms and run instantly in the cold water 

I swear I though I was going to freeze in there 

Carlos tried to drown me 

and he almost did it at some point 

after a while the others came in the water 

Pierre pushed me from the Charles shoulders in the water 

but I fell in someone hands 

someone with very dark hair and beautiful brown eyes 


no matter how much I tried to run away from him, he is always there

he kept me in his arms for like, 15 seconds and just looked at each others eyes 

but then I saw Charles and I just blocked out

so Carlos let me go 

after that I decide to go back inside 

something was just feeling wrong, I don't know why 

I stayed in my room and talked with Arthur on face time, and after a while I fell asleep 


I feel two hands hugging me from behind 

I was still very sleepy when I opened my eyes so I didn't saw very clear who it was 

after a few second of looking at him with my foggy eyes, now I could see very clear who it was.

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