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I woke up when I felt two hands taking me up like a princess

this reminds me off the time when I was little and my dad used to do this every time we arrived home after a long trip

I didn't opened my eyes right in the moment 

I heard some voices 

Kika, Pierre and Lando 

most probably we are now in Monaco 

at the moment I heard the door shut I opened slowly my eyes 

I see that we are in Charles' home

Charles took me in my bedroom

he put me on the bed and put the blanket over me 

I slept so peaceful

so the next morning I woke up and went in the kitchen where I saw Arthur but he was kind of sad 

I didn't managed to ask him why is he like that because after a minute Milo came in the room 

with the same look on his face 

and behind him entered as well Pascal and my mom 

"Milo I thought we talked about it" my mom said 

so he did something bad again 

"I'm not leaving just because her, I am 20 years old, I can decide myself what to do" 

wait what?

"what is going on?" I asked 

"we need to leave because of you" Milo said very angry 


I looked confused at my mom and then at Milo who was both very angry 

Milo because of.. me, I guess, and mom because of Milo 

"Milo we are not going anywhere, just Nicole needs to leave" Pascale said

Arthur looked at Milo with a very happy look on his face

"what? why?" I was so confused 

I can't remember anything in my program 

I have this weeks booked for just Monaco and Greece

"for god sake Nicole you have to go at that runway for Jacquemus' in France , do I have to remind you?" my mom almost yelled 

oh yes, god, how could I forget 

so, my dad wish, since I was a kid, was for me to be a model 

and they took me at classes and shows in France and stuff

I can't say that I actually hate it, but my life would be way happier if I wasn't need to have the body my managers want 

but I do it for my dad 

"did I actually forgot?" I asked Arthur because he was maybe the only one in the room that wasn't close to break my neck 

"did you actually forgot the fact that you are modeling for goddamn Jacquemus'???" Arthur said yelling the last to words

I talked with them for like another 10 minutes, or even if you can name that talking because my mom was very angry, Milo the same, Arthur just wanted silence, Pascale was there holding my mom to not yell very much and scare the neighbours and I was hungry 

it was a massacre 

so I left and went at Charles who was in his bedroom 

I talked to hi and finally convince him to go out to eat 

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