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now I could see who it was


he took my face in his hands and kissed me without hesitate 

I kissed him back, at first it was a cute little kiss, but then it was more passionate and in for it

I never thought of marry this guy, how Pascale wish for

but instade I really wanted to kiss him 

he is so gentle and careful

I raised my head to look again at him, but something is off

these are not Charles green eyes, these are Carlos dark brown eyes 

he lean back for another kiss 

he is not like Charles, they are so differently 

Carlos is agressive and more strong 

I get on top of him an kissed him more passionate 

his hands moved on my waist and ass 

his lips are as soft as I remembered 

I missed him so much 

I tried to forget about him, but this night make's it so much harder then I though 

he took my t shirt of me and started to kiss my clavicle bone 

god I am loosing my control 

and then

I woke up

it was a fucking dream 

a so beautiful and perfect dream 

now I prefer to not woke up

I dressed just in shorts and a short top

I went in the living room where Lando, Alex and Charles were sitting on the couch with Kika and Lily next to them

I sat next to Lily and whispered to her and Kika the dream I had 

Kika almost yelled in the whole house that I had a sex dream about Charles and Carlos in the same dream 

but anyways, after that we prepared and went on the private yacht we decide to go 

I would apreciate if they would actually wait for me, but while I was doing my hair, they almost left me here 

We went in a perfect place that Lando knew

Kika and I didn't felt like going out in the sun but after a while of staying inside of the yacht, Charles and Pierre forced us to go out were the others was already 

we just sat on the couches and talked about anything 

after a while Alex sat next to me, first I thought that he sat here because he wanted to stay beside Lily, but then he lead his head next to mine and whispered to me 

"You know that the bruise is still very visible, right?"

yeah, wow, good to know 

I put my hand on the bruise

He leaned his head again smiling 

"so.. who did it to you?" It was Charles?"

hell nah, I'm not going to tell him. I moved my head back to Kika who was already talking 

I didn't looked again at him, but he tried to get my attention multiple times after this 

out of no where he jumped of the couch looking at me 

"let's play truth or dare" he said 

no way, I know what is he trying to do, and I don't like the idea he have, at all

I didn't said a word because if I would say that I don't wanna play, it would be suspicious so I just waited to see if they want to play or not 

So here I am, playing the game

when it was finally my time Lando asked me "truth or dare Nicole?" 

I choose dare and Alex face was raising and shining from happines 

"I dare you to tell us who gave you the bruise on your neck"


it might seem crazy what I'm about to say 

"um.. Carlos" I said looking at him 

he was happy from a reason or another 

but Charles wasn't as happy as he is trying to look like

the girls was all over me like I just said that he asked me to be his wife

and the boys was asking me an Carlos tons of questions 

we didn't answer 

"come on Nicole, tell us, from when you are a thing" Pierre said 

"we are not a thing" I answer fast 

"so not yet?" Luisa asked while taking my hand in her 

just now I see that Charles is no longer here, I think he went inside 

"never" I said and go inside to look for Charles

I found him in the kitchen looking in his phone 

I sat next to him and he let his phone down 

he is breathing very fast 

"are you angry?" I asked him 

"from all the people on this planet you choose Carlos? my teammate?" he said clearly angry 

"what? no, between me and Carlos are nothing" I think so at least 

"you have a bruise on your neck, made by him, and you're telling me that there is nothing between you and him, do you think I'm dump?" he said getting up from the chair 

I get up as well

"Nicole please tell me that there is really nothing between you" 

what the fuck is going on?

is he jealous?

like, for real jealous?????

"Charles I won't be ever in a relantionship with him" I said looking in his eyes for hi to believe me 

he stopped breathing that fast and his eyes are more calmed now 

"thanks god" he said 

so he was jealous 

"you are like a sister to me, I cant imagine you with someone like Carlos" he said 

or maybe not 

I thought that.. that he..

at least know I know that I have no chance 

he sees me like a sister 

it hurts my feelings 

I really thought that he liked me and that he was jealous 

but he was just overprotective 

like o brother 

"I mean, I get it that he is good looking, but he is very bad when is talked about a serious thing" he continued 

"yeah, I totally understand what are you talking about" I said 

but it wasn't like that 

I know that I have this thing with Carlos, but I swear that I would run from it if Charles would liked me 

I walked to one of the bedrooms 

but while I was walking my eyes started tear apart.

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